Thursday, December 28

Hopes for the New Year

I have both big hopes and little hopes for the New Year. I don't make any promises to my self about the New Year because I am a rule breaker. I am just going to cont. watching my waist. I have lost some weight but I want to lose more befire summer when we go on vacation.
If I were the Iraqi govt. I would hang Sadaam on midnight New Years. That is just me though.
I just want to make it through the school year, without an ulcer would be nice. Then I would like to pass my boards. Those are my biggest goals for 2007. My small goals are many. I can only acheive those if they don't get in the way of my large ones. I know I have a lot of people pulling for me. I know I have help from my friends at school too. It is too bad that the school doesn't help you like they say they will. Oh, well nothing you can really do. I have given many bad reviews for some of the teachers though. Maybe something will be done. Well, Enjoy the New Year celebrations. I hopeing we will be able to.

Friday, December 22

OVER, for now

Sencond semester finals are now over and done with. Ofcoarse they make us sweat it out over vacation to see what we got but honestly, I know I passed the coarse and that is all that matters.
Now, I have the next 10 days off of school and have work around here to do. Have a Happy December everyone and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.

Tuesday, December 19

Almost @ the end..

OMG, would someone like to borrow a child until Christmas Eve. I have various ages and you can have a boy or a girl. I know the excitment is driving them bonkers but they are driving me bonkers!!!!
Just a few more days of school left. I have been studying for my finals and hard too. I have found that it is more relaing to study with someone from a different school because there is no bitching about what is or is not going on. Then I get a vacation. Ofcoarse, I have to share this with the kids but Who cares. A mental break from school is much needed!
I hope everyone gets a mental break after Christmas or whatever you celebrate. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 14


It is getting closer to Christmas, closer to finals, closer to the end of school. No pressure here! Thank God for good friends and a great husband or I wouldn't have any hair left.
There is not a drop of snow to be found here in Pa. Can you believe it? In fact we have a bunch of windows open! I guess Dreaming of a white christmas is apporpate this year. It hasn't been raining either. It is almost like the weather is stuck in neutral. Oh, well maybe that will mean that my parents can come see us before christmas. The first christmas tree was decorated in 1510. Just in case someone needed to know that.

Friday, December 8

What I should have said

I got a nasty 6 page letter from my x. To him my reply was sticks and stones...
What I should of said is as follows:

Dear Parinoid Wanna Be Dad:
I releize that in your parinoid little world everything is and always has been my fault. In fact I know you think I wrote the chid support laws and then took you to court. Also my "Nazi" rein is brain washing the children into hating you, brain washing my husband into loving and supporting me and brain washing the U.S. govt. into giving me income tax money. Money that I don't deserve because I sit on my lazy ass all day. Well, my response to this is : STOP WRITING AND GET BACK TO WORK SO I CAN GET MY MONEY!!!!

Do you think that would have gotten him all fired up? LOL

Sunday, December 3


Nightmares often riddle my sleep. The mind won't turn off, I wake up with the name of a drug on the tip of my lips. What does do and how does it work, I wonder as I drift back to sleep. Another nightmare, oh now I have to pee. Look at the clock well, might as well shower, I have only 5 more mins. before the alarm goes off anyway. The name of that drug is still floating around in my mind as I shower. Wish I had time to look it up before I go , but no time. Off I go wisking into the day. Can't wait to go back to sleep again, forgetting it is riddled with night mares.

Thursday, November 23


I am thankful for:

1. My husband, who is my cheerleader and keeps me going.
2. My family who loves me no matter what.
3. My friends who pick me up and carry me when I think I just can't go on any more.
4. For the two guys that helped me get the dog back when he escaped and ran through traffic.
5. To all the nameless strangers who have ever lent me a hand in my time of need.
There is so mych more but, i'd fill up pages and pages!

Sunday, November 19

A Much Needed Break

Finally some down time. I usally freak out on Sundays,but I know that a long (sort of long ) break is just around the corner. First though let me tell you about my date.
Last night my husband and I celebrated our 6th wedding anni. ( even though it was weeks ago). We had some extra money so we went to an expensive place. I'm talking high class were the potatoes and veggies didn't come with the meal. They were an extra price,each! We arrived down town and the out door skating rink was set up and there was people ice skating and Christmas music playing. There was a tree in the middle all lit up. We just stopped and stared for a while. It seemed like something right out of a movie. Then we went in and had a mouth watering meal. After we went back out side and watched the skaters some more. There was nothing that could top off the romantic and peaceful atmaspher so we went home. The kids ofcoarse were already in bed so it was still peaceful.
This coming week at school we only have three days of clinical and then 5 days off. OH, how I need the break!!

Monday, November 13

Some Excitement at Last!

Finally, I got to see a surgery! Nothing too bloody or gory. It started out that they were going to put one stent in a guys leg. Once they got in there, it was clear that he was going to need more than that. A stent is a mesh type device that is put into an artery to keep it open so blood can flow to where it is suppose to. I watched on a monitor because there wasn't anything to see where the surgen was. He only put a pencile size hole in the guy and everything else everyone saw on screen. It was nice to be able to see this. The man having the stent put in was awake the whole time. Boring, put me to sleep I need the extra zzzz's! I'm not even sure if the man could see the screen. Well, the monkeys are home. Time to man the zoo.

Saturday, November 11

How Much

How much more I can take is very uncertain. 4,5,6 tests in 2 days, getting up so early to spend the day running around trying to learn anything, hungry to do something that I have not done before. Trying to be nice to the family even though I am dog tried, have to study, but need to get the kids stuff done first. This will end right? My grades are starting to suck. They really need to be brought back up or I am out. ( I'm not in that much trouble yet.).
However, I do feel good about myself. I have been going around collecting coins to help out with this little boys medical bills. He is 7 years old. When he was 6 months old the doctors found that he was born with just the left side of his heart. Now he is getting a Berlin heart, and that olny lasts for up to 448 days. Then he will be in desperate need of a heart transplant. So I am collecting the coins to put in a fund that has been set up for him. No matter how bad things are there always is some one who is worse off.

Sunday, November 5

Every Sunday

Every Sunday I feel so overwhelmed. There is always so much to do. Laundry, and uniforms ironed, study finish homework,help kids do talent show practice, finish talent show out fits, chase the dog ( he has dragged one of the girls with his leash until they let go. Then he runs to the neighbors),eat,sleep?,toss and turn all night. Then on Monday I have to get up really early and try to remember everything I need, the kids need and hope i remember to bring my lunch and a drink. I know I sound so negative but my head is always spinning. I thought having my friends over friday night to play games would keep me relaxed. It only worked for that night and part of the next morning. If I take anytime out then I am behind. Like today I went to the store and then my husband called to see if I wanted to go out to eat with the kids and him. So I did and I got so far behind that I threw my hands up and said I was doing nothing. This is an every Sunday story. It is always something.Please someone throw me a life saver, I am drowning!

Wednesday, November 1

Time is slipping away

So Halloween was yesterday and it rained almost the whole time. I am surpised no one has a sore throat ( like me ). I don't want to get into the details right now because I have been getting up @ 4:30 am to get to clinical. All of my friends and I are so tired that we can't comprehend much and we hear funny words. Such as my friend thought a lady said she was taking heart worm medicine. She's not but it does make for a good laugh. My daughter has gotten her first babysitting job. Where did the time go? It feels like I am in the movie CLICK. I have pushed fast forward on the remote and skipped many years and now she is old enough to babysit. I can remember saying that when she got old enough she could watch her brother and sisters when they went to bed and my husband and I would sneek out for a date. That seems like it was just yesterday I was saying that. Next thing you know she will graduate High school. I need to go study Pharmocology. The week is almost over already and I have two tests in the next two days. Have a good day and enjoy the children while they still want you around.

Thursday, October 26

Nothing new

It has taken me days to figure out how to post on this new blogger. Finally after hitting almost every link I found the right one. All I had to do was go home.
Isn't that the moral to a lot of stories that if you want to start something new then all you have to do is go home. Dorthy said that "if I ever go looking for my heart again, I don't have to go any further then my own back yard". Although sometimes you just need to go home to know what you don't want and then you can go out and get what you do.
I cannot wait til school is over. I wouldn't recommend this school to anyone. I came to it because I knew the classroom size was small. Therefore, I expected a lot of one on one attention. I never knew that it was going to turn into high school. If you pass it is not because the teachers did there job, it is because you found a way to understand the info. yourself. This really makes me not want to go back for my Rn. Who knows I still have 8 months left. Good thing time is going quickly.

Friday, October 20

Nobody likes me everybody hates me....

Nobody likes me everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms...

Where is everyone know one has posted a comment in weeks and I have had some good stuff on here.
You know what I have found hard since I have gotten married? Stop all of you with your dirty minds! I have found that the guys pay less and less attention to me. That is really difficult for me because I have always had guy friends and guys always hanging around me. Now it is my friends that get all the attention and I find myself almost jealous. Well, I am happy that I am not single but I miss having guy friends. That is all i ever really had until I got married and then women started wanting to be my friend. Go figure.
School is going well. The teachers I swear are against us but I am still holding a B so I won't complain too awful much. STress that is what it is. No homework this weekend! Horray for Family time!!

Monday, October 16

Keeping up with the Jones?

People that try so hard to keep up with others must have a boring life, I can hardly keep up with myself!
Today I got to see my first full delivery! The lady had a baby girl!! I was so excited every time we could see a little more of the head I was like "look, look!" ( like they weren't already looking). This lady had been in labor since last night and gave birth shortly before we had to leave so we have to wait til tomarrow to take care of the baby. My friend also got to see a C section. She said that there was a lot of blood! I didn't want to go see it. I wasn't sure how I would handle it. When we watched a video the other day on a women having a hestorectomy I had a hard time. We had an exciting day, we also got to touch the after birth ( yes, with gloves on). Oh, and this was the first time I had ever seen fluid spurt out after the baby came or maybe it was as she was coming out. At any rate, a spec of fluid landed in the Dr.'s hair! EEEEEEEEEWWWW, I bet she was glad there are showers close by.

Monday, October 9

And now the good news...

WOW, look at the date. Can you believe how far we are into the year? Next week we will get to see babies come into this crazy world. We get the do their after care and take care of the mothers as well. I am so excited I could burst! I have seen my own child come into the world ( i could only see so much when trying to push). I really can't wait, I get to be just like a grandma, love them, take care of them for a little while and give them back to mom!
School is going well. We will be starting pharmocology soon. YIKES! That scares we some.

Monday, October 2

Nothing is safe...

Nothing or No where is safe anymore, not even the Amish one room school house. What is going on that a grown man would go into an Amish school house take some girls hostage and kill three of them and then himself. I am baffeled and that is saying a lot for me. Just when I didn't think anything could surpise me I read this on yahoo. It wasn't even an Amish man who did this. I am saddened and confused. Is the world becoming more evil or do we just hear about it more because of the many ways we get information? Can someone who is older tell me, please? I am now at a loss for words...

Tuesday, September 26


I found out why previous prescription drugs are now non- prescript and thought I would share the info. Drugs, like Clariton, are now offered without a script because they lost their patent and in order to make money they sell it over the counter.

Speaking of which i think I am going to have to buy some Clariton because the sinus and allergy med. I am using now is only dulling the pain. My head has felt explosive for a week now. I am having a hard time concentrating on my work and now is the most important. It is FINALS WEEK!! Poor me. I can't complain to friends because all of them go to school too. How did that happen? So my online friends, will you feel sorry for my aching head?

Saturday, September 23

My smart dog

I have a mixed breed dog and he is a little over a year. When he wants to play I will tell him to go get a certain toy and I have to say what room it is in and then he will go get it. If you don't say what room he will look behind him and then in the dinning room and come back with a puzzled look on his face. He is great! He knows the sounds of the bus so when he hears one he will listen for the kids and when he hears them he will either go to the door or stand on the porch and wait for them. I thought he would run off the porch, down the street to greet them. Nope, he waits right on the porch like a good boy. We really lucked out when we got him!!

Saturday, September 16

To the little kitten

When we found you little kitten you were so skinny and looked so sad. The very first thing you did was have a dirahra attack on me. I knew you were very sick but I thought some TLC would bring you back. You seemed to be doing so well, I got your bowel movements to be soild and I got you to drink some milk. You were even beinging to walk around some....and then you left us, just as suddenly as you came. Thank you for waiting until I got back before you went. I am greatful I got to hold you one last time. Good bye little kitten , Good bye.

Sunday, September 10

Moving right a long

Nursing school is going great. This coming week we start going to the nursing homes. I get to start at one of the easier ones, they are not total care people. Also the place is very homey and quiet,so it is not so sad. I really don't want to go to the other nursing homes though. Those are total care and sad. Atleast we will only have one -two people so I will have time to do the job right and make these people feel good. We sure are picking up speed! Soon this will all be over with and I will be saying what was the big deal? Even my kids seem happier with their school work and sometimes we do our homework together. I would like to think that me going to school while they are school age is making a positive impact on them. The weather is great today so I think I will spend sometime outside.

Thursday, September 7

Court is OVER!

Well, my day in court went very well. I am please with the outcome and now if he will keep his job then the kids can actually get the things that they need. My husband and I give him about 6 months before he thinks this is bullshit and quits or takes us back to court. OH well, nothing I can do. I am just happy with the way things turned out today. We will actually be bringing in more support than what we pay out! That is a nice switch.
I know I usally bitch on here but this is the only outlet I have. So today I thought I'd write something nice.
My friend and I made up our minds that we are going to have a Halloween party at my house this year for the kids and Adults. I have never had one but always wanted to. I am really looking forward to having a semi-spooky party and dressing up. I have planned some "gross" foods and my friend is planning decorations and games. I like being an adult and a kid rolled into one. I have money to buy stuff for the party but also get to have fun too! Two of my friends got married close to halloween so they could have a costume party. That had been my plan too but we lived all the way in Va. at the time and hardly anyone would have come . So this plan works good for me!! I am so excited.

Tuesday, September 5

Only 7 days in a week

Last time I checked there were only 7 days in a week and 24 hours in a day. You should see my homework planner. I already have stuff on there that is due at the start of next month! Our days are just jammed packed. My head was spinning by the end of today. I really don't know how the people who are working can possibly get any thing done. I just needed to take a short break from homework.
Even though today was cloudy the weather was nice. It had been raining this morning but then stopped and it was comfy. I enjoyed my break time walk. That is the only real stress relief that I get during the day.
Court is on thurs. and I already have butterflies. I have been having nightmares that keep getting court and school entertwined. When I go to the doctors next I think I am going to ask for sleeping pills. Maybe I will feel better then.

Friday, September 1

My jump and then recloos

On Wend. I finally was brave and got a tatto all the way around my ankel. It is a vine with green leaves and on the side has a fancy letter B entwined by the vine. I love it. It just felt like a continuous brush burn. I have had worse pain. It still is very sore though. I'm glad I got it now before I had to cover it with my socks.
Today I stayed home from school. I just couldn't force my self to go. I have been under an extreme amount of stress and thought that I just needed to be home today. I am sitting here in my PJs and it is 1:oo pm. I have no desire to get dressed. Tuesday morning I have court and I am so nervous about that. My husband also returns to work that day for sure, my two little girls have been sick with a fever. I don't know what I am going to do if they are still sick next week. I know the people I cannot count on to help me. Even though she swore she wouldn't turn out to be her mother she has. I am going to bitch for a few lines. Here my husband and I are trying hard to get a little ahead in life, only asking for help when we are desperate and there sits my brother not even trying to make ends meet. Which one gets the help? Not the one who has made it through the worst of the storm fighting every bit of the way and now has come to the piont where she has almost made it. No, the one who is creating his own problems and has no desire to help himself. He is the one who gets all the help!!!!!!!Am I bitter?
My husbands work mans comp. check still hasn't arrived. I think that the office forgot to send it and doesn't want to admitt it. Hopefully it will be here soon because I need to get nurses shoes.
It is a gloomy, cool day, I hope the rest of you are doning better than I am.

Saturday, August 26

The guy gave birth to what?

Iggnorance can be a good thing especially when it comes to the gerbils. I thought that it was a myth until our instructer told us all the goory details of how. Then again knowleage of other medical things that be facinating! I just read about a guy in India who thought that he had a tumor in his stomach, for the last 36 years, and when doctors finally did surgey they were horrified. They found hands and fingers with nails. It turns out that when he was in his mothers tummy he had a twin brother that wrapped himself around the other. Then as the "main' guy grew the brother ended up in the stomach of the "main" guy. That is weird. Apparently this has happened 90 times in Human History!!!! See the "fan" or medical mysteries for more info.
Also they have found a way to take stem cell from a live baby without harming it!!!! This is great this a is a huge leap for humans! I am ecxited to be in the medical feild at this stage.

Tuesday, August 22


He is evil. He has to be to deny his kids things like more money. I am not being greety here. They only get $130 monthly. That's right Monthly for the two of them. He also has said only one sentence to the oldest daughter since our last court date in June. She is actually better since he stopped trying to force her to do things. You would think that since he has spent all this money that he would try to talk to her to get her to like him better or something. Atleast keep up on her life. Now we are going back for child support and he thinks that I owe him $6,000 that he had to pay to the state from 1997-2004 for the birth of the kids. Ha kiss my butt!!
I have lots of new facts for you but are too hot right now to type much longer. Just a note. What ever you have heard about gerbils and sex is true. eeeekkkk!!! ( I now know a nurse that had to remove a dead one from there).

Tuesday, August 15

A few things FYI

Ok there is a bunch of stuff that I wanted to post.But I have a lot runnig through my head about what I got on my last two tests and how blood flows through the heart so I will try to post what I can remember.

First: If you take oscal please STOP! Oscal is made from oysters and they contain Mercury. The US gov. has no regulation for how much Murcury is safe!

Next: Please look at your husbands ear lobes. If there is a crease where an earing would go PLEASe have his heart checked. Please don't make me explain that one right now. If you'd like I can reply on your blog or email as to why.

The last thing that I can remember right now is that giraffs have the strongest heart muscle because it has to pump blood all the way up the neck. (Snapple Fact)

Saturday, August 12

Trying to keep up

I am trying very hard to keep up. I have a take home mid term to do this weekend, birthday shopping, my daughter's first non-family babysitting job. I went to a bunch of yard sales this morning and boy am I glad I went. I was able to get my soon to be 7 year old a brand new bike for $20 instead of the $58 we were going to spend at the store. I was the same color and had the tags still on! We will give her other bike to her youngest sister. Now I have to birthday shop for my son. That is always a tough one. He is turning 10. I always have a hard time buying for boys. You would think it would be easy growing up with all boys but no it is not.
My oldest has her first non-family babysitting job tonight. I told her to wach the little one here so if there is a problem we can help. Even though the child lives 4 houses down I didn't feel like running back and forth all night.
Well, i really do have to get to my mid term. Have a good week.

Monday, August 7

It is suppose to storm soon. That is good though because it will cool down some. I like the heat but the humity can be terrible. My watermelon is growing! I just harvested most of my carrots ( the ones that I thought weren't going to grow). My one zuccinee ( how is that spelled?) has produced a lot of that squash, the peans are done producing which is fine they were good this year. Now I just have to wait for the tomatos to rippen. I love to see all my work pay off and the neighbors and friends give me lots of complaimants! Yep, I love my garden whether it is planting or weeding or getting ready for next spring. No matter what happens in life all troubles go away in my garden!
Next week my son and middle daughter both have a birthday 10 and 7 they will be. The boy is going into 5th! and the girl into 2nd! We are going to have icecream cake, yum. Soon clinical will start for nursing school. I don't know how much I am going to like going to the nursing homes. I hate them. They make me very sad and anxious. We will see. Have a good day everyone.

Friday, August 4

Just wanted to share

I must have gotten my mother's brains, because yesterday I recieved a 100% on my A&P test! I have another test on Monday I hope I do as well! I wish I had of been this interested in high school. It may have made life a bit easier, nah.
Kindergarden round up is next week. I guess I am looking forward to it, to meet JJ's teacher and all. I know I will cry the first day of school. I never cried for any other but this is the baby. I told my husband that this meant we needed another baby and he reminded me that babiesa grow up. So no more babies,puppies or kittens. ( I have a friend who is trying to make up for the fact that she can't have another baby by buying kittens.)

Monday, July 31

Younge Guns

My 11 year old told me today that when she is 13 she would like to drive in the "Younge Guns" . That is a 13-16 year old class in dirt track car racing. I'm all for it! I think it would raise her self-estemm 100%. I know I had always wanted to drive race car but didn't want to do it in the
'powder puff" league which was the only girls league at the time. I wanted to race with the big boys! Today girls do get to race with the big boys and I am happy about that. Now if girls could play baseball with the guys we would be set!

Thursday, July 27


I received my first C today on my vitamin test. It was a lot harder than I expceted. When I started reading the test I got all the vitamins mixed up in my head. Especially the B vitamins. Oh well, tomarrow is our liquide in take test. I am sure to get an A on that. As long as the calulator is right, anyhow.
My baby starts kindergarden next month. The sadness has already started on my part. She is the last one. No more babies at home during the day. I thought I'd be happy when this day came. I'm sure I'll get over it, by next year!

Wednesday, July 26

Test 3 of the week

Still holding on strong to that A in A&P. I got a 96% on the muscle test. Next is the nerves for A&P. I just hope mine don't get shot!

Tuesday, July 25

Test number what?

I have 5 tests this week and I only have 2 classes! It looks like I am holding a high B in nutrtion. I should be doing better than that. I love the subject. Honestly the class is not an excitement. The teacher is a bore. I still have an A in A&P! Another test on the muscles this time. Quick fact: There are 500 muscdles in the body. Thank God I don't need to know all of them and what they do!
I think that I might get some watermelons from the garden this year. The plant is huge and it has flowers on it. Have to go study. Have a good day.

Friday, July 21


The person (s) who count the bones in the body can't agree whether we have 206 or 208. The human body is even more amazing when you go and study it. Did you know that there was a doctor in Rome who almost had the mysteries of the human body figured out. Then he died and his work wasn't cont. again for 200 years! If fact learning stopped all togther in the dark ages. That is why they are called the dark ages.
Did you know that there is actually one bone in the body not attched to any other bone?
Well, i know that will be on my test Monday. I have one Monday, tues, and at least on other day if not two. I hope I can remember all the stuff I learned. You would think that the functions of the bone would be easy but as with anything that looks easy... there is always more to it.

Tuesday, July 18

Hows That go?

Did you know that a California Cobb Salad with dressing from McDonalds has more calories and fat then their Big Mac?
That salad you bought from McDonalds also contains sugar even with out the dressing. YEP, the lettuce comes prepackaged from headquarters and before it is sealed is sprinkeled with sugar.
How about that Taco Salad from Taco Bell... 750 calories. Let's not talk about the fat in that.
Did you know that the calories on a package of anything is probley not correct. Check it out for yourself add together Carbs,fat and protein. That gives you the correct amount of calories. You may surpised to find that whomever did these numbers is up to 30 calories off!!!

Friday, July 14

It's not easy

IT is not easy being a straight A student. I have had 5 tests this week. Now I am taking a break, called all my friends and took a peek at my garden. We have to keep track of what we eat this week and count calories, carbs, fat and protein. YIPPPEEE! I'd rather be tourchered! I know that I am slightly overweight do I have to be reminded? Maybe this will get me to eat better.MAYBE!

Saturday, July 8

Sugar and spice and everything...

Sugar and spice and everything nice, That's what little girls are mad of.
Today my six year old is having a lemonade stand. She has 20 oz. bottles along with regular cups. She is doing this by herseld (because she wants to keep all the money). She doesn't give change either so if you see her you might want to have exact change ready. She always does so well at this. She may one day own a bunch of stands! I know a good place for one today would be outside of the ALL Star Fest downtown. That is where my husband is today.
I had posted my philosophy book on and I actually sold it! I can't beleive it.
I also recieved my composting worms. I am so excited!! Sometimes I wounder if I am not anal about recycleing. Even the 20 oz. bottles for the lemonade are pop bottles rinsed out! But the less you spent the more you make right?

Wednesday, July 5

Another day another blog

So my husband has had his surgery and is driving me bonkers. This is his 2nd on the same shoulder within, 2 months. I know that he is going nuts sitting at home and not being able to do anything. I know that he is in a lot of pain and it is depressing not being able to go back to work when you really want to. On the other hand, he is driving me bonkers!
I started back to school today and can already see that this year is going to fly by. That makes me excited because that means that I can get my LPN and then buy a house. That is going to be my reward! I will buy a house with some land, so my kids can play, my dog can run and I can garden, withou running into each other.
If anyone is interrested there is a neat website to check out it is

Sunday, July 2

My getaway

I am not very good at expressing myself unless I am feeling creative so here we go. Let me tell you about my 3 day getaway.
It was a nice four hour drive, with the green landscape whizzing by. None the less I was glad that we arrived at our destination. My legs were beginning to hurt because our 50 pound dog had been laying on my lap for the past two hours. He is such a baby. The family and I went in a restarunt for dinner and we had to leave him in the van. When we get back on the road he climbs on my lap and lays down to make sure that I can't go anywhere else without letting him out first. I climb out of the van and in hale the fresh country air. AAAAAHHH, it smells so sweet or is that the cow manure. Either way it doesn't smell like anything we have at our house and I like it. The kids jump out all excited and grab their bags. It is still light so if they hurry and get their stuff to the rooms they stay in then they will still have time to play. We enter, ha the dog has already spotted a cat and preceeds to chase it up the stairs to the last bedroom. Our littlest is yelling "mom, the dog is chasing the cat". I tell "Eddie" the dog, to get down here and be good. Now we go out side. It is so peaceful, there is not a sound that annoys the senses. Only sound of birds and crickets and now the added laughter of children. Eddie and I walk up to the old apple trees, where the was a duck sitting on its nest and eddie chased it to the ditch. No duck and can't see the nest. G says that the duck never came back. OOOPS! I'm sure it will come back next spring. I see all the familer sights that I have been seeing since I was little. Not much has changed as far as sight goes. Maybe a paint job or two and the farmers rotate the crops every year, but other then that it is the same sights as always. Green, brown and trees as far as the eye can see. Sometimes if you are lucky you can see deer out the kitchen window. Well, I must go for now my getaway hopefully I can continue this tomarrow.

Thursday, June 29

Your Nasty and Your Loud

You're nasty and you're loud,
you're mean enough for two.
If I could be a rain cloud,
I'd rain all day on you.

That poem was from Something Big Has Been Here.
You ever feel that way about someone? I know I feel that way more often than not!
The garden of mine looks great the rain really made the plants spring up. Ofcoarse it made the weeds grow just as quickly. Oh well, I've always said that gardening and coloring are the two best forms of thearpy. Try it, next time you feel low buy a coloring book and a box of crayons and suddenly things don't look as glum.

Tuesday, June 27

3 Days of tears

It took three days of tears to finally except that the legal system is as messed up as other people say it is. I am better now. the legal system it self is what got under my skin so much. I just had a hard time with it all really. I have to move on. There is nothing more that can be done about the previous subject. My husband's operation is this coming Monday and I start back to school on Wend. I don't have time to be beating myself over what happened. The fact is that I did everything that I could and I am sorry that it wasn't enough ,but hey, what else can be done?

Sunday, June 25

Finding it hard to pick self up

I haven't typed since court. I'm lucky that I have gotten out of bed since then. Basically my daughter lost. There is two small pluses that have come out of this but I'm sure it doesn't out weigh the negative. People keep saying to me that we will get him in child support. I don't care and in fact that makes me angry because that implies that money is going to make it all better. It isn't! I'd give up child support in a heart beat if that meant my daughter being happy. apparently black and white evidence doesn't matter when it comes to non-criminal court really. Life doesn't seem worth going through any more and no matter what positive spin any one tries to put on it the fact still remains that he gets to cause trouble and turmoil in my life for the next 9 years. I get sick even thinking about it.
I know that there is no way anyone can understand and many may think I'm being petty. Then again no one went through the 5 years of hell that I went through with him either.

Wednesday, June 21

No title

We are going to have to buy a new computer. The one we have now is freezing every five mins. We have ran this and that program to try to fix it and nothing has worked. So we are going to buy a new one. I actually like that idea.
tomorrow morning is court. This is just another waste of our time I,m sure because again nothing can be solved without us both agreeing on it. GOOD LUCK with that! We have tried over and over to agree but ot really is impossible. Shoot if we could agree then we wouldn't be going through the court system.
I think that my husband and I are going to buy the paint for the bedroom this week. I'm really looking forward to painting. I am so sick of white. We are going to paint it a marine color. Well, I must be off. Have a good day!

Wednesday, June 14

True cartoon

I have been trying to upload this great cartoon I seen in the paper. For some reason it won't up load so I will do my best to discribe it .

This women is in a hospital bed and is speaking to her nurse, "WOW. Your childcare situation sounds a bit.....complicated. The nurse says, "It's fine the twins are always with family. The lady in the bed says back to the nurse," I am the owner of a reputable daycare center. Perhaps you'd like information. The nurse tells her After four children we don't nees information.. We need Volunteers.

Let me here an AMEN!

Monday, June 12

Feeling left out

I know this is silly but I have spent the majority of my summer with my kids for many years now. This will be the first year that I don't. I have work 4 days a week and then I will be starting my classes in July 5 days a week. This leaves little time for me to attend their ball games and go swimming with them ( although it is too cold to swim right now). Then again I don't have to hear how bored they are. Last year however, they had many lemonaide stands and that was fun to watch them do. oh well, I guess i will enjoy what I do with them even more. Off to work I go.

Thursday, June 8

It is a beautiful day

It is such a nice day outside! The sun is shinning and there are few clouds in the sky. My plants are growing well, for the most part. For some reason I cannot grow a rose bush! I planted it after the last frost and it was doing great. Now it is near death and I cannot seem to revive it. Oh well, I guess I'll try again next year. I have been keeping very busy and trying not to think of the impending court date. He has dug himself so deep that I cn't see how he is going to weasel his way out.
Today is the kids' last day of school! They are very happy. It doesn't matter much to me this year because I'll be in scholl most of the summer. I will spend as much time as I can with them before I start. Well, I hope everyone's day goes well.

Friday, June 2

Nothing has changed

I haven't written in a while but I want everyone to know I am still here. Nothing has really changed. He keeps digging himself deeper and deeper. I really don't have time to write but I'll try to update later.

Friday, May 26

You wear me out!

I have a good theme song for what is going on in my life right now. I believe it is by My Chemical Romance and part of the song goes I'm not ooook, I'm not ooookkkk you wear me out!
That is how I feel about what jerk off is doing to me right now. Everytime I agree on something he wants more and more. Oh, he'll drop wanting 50% custody if I will agree on a child support amount with him. Gee, does someone only want 50% custody so that he doesn't get screwed in child support? He has just dug himself a nice hole. I would be willing to give him anything that he wanted if he was a GOOD DAD, not even a great dad, but no. This is how he wants to play then fine. I am so sick of the court and tired of trying to find the money to pay the lawyer but I don't care. My kids and their best interest come A NUMBER ONE! I tried to work with him, honest and truly. My husband and I have agreed that no matter what happens we will never put the kids through what I am going through right now. We will sit down like adults and do what is right for everyone. My husband is a great dad and I would give him 50% custody in a heart beat even if I hated him. Everyone sees that he does what is in the best interest for all his kids. Well, thanks for listening to my problems. I am off to other things now.

Monday, May 22


I am in a whirl wind and cannot stop it. Everything always happens at once. Why can't life just go a few months without 100 major problems going on? Last night I was ready to not go to school to just go to work and deal with this court mess. Then I thought that this maybe may only chance with out having to pay thousands in daycare. Then I would have ruined God's reason for my husband having to take so much time off of work. What could possibly be the reason for the rest of this stress? I can't take much more. My sanity is running low...HELP!!

Tuesday, May 16

A Strange Family

Ok I have always known that my hubby's family was an odd bunch but, this has to take the cake. My husband's Grandmother died last Nov. And noone told him until now. His mother mentioned that she went to put flowers on her mother's grave on Mother's Day and my husband goes who's grave and that is when his mom told him! This just tops all! Now she didn't invite or even tell him when she got married a 2nd time. Ok that I can kind of see, she didn't come to our wedding. Ok we were in another state, but this there is no excuse for. What could she possibly say to him as a reason why noone told him? Parton the pun but, that was the last nail in the coffin of their already rocky relationship. I know she has lost all my respect.

Thursday, May 11

Another Blog

I was cruiseing through blogs the other day and wow I didn't relize how many depressed people there were out in the world. Most are on the brink, at the end of their rope. I wish I had of known that there was so many out there when I was younger then I wouldn't have suffered a lone. As long as I know now though, I guess it makes it all good. My mother taught me hind sight is 20/20.
Nursing schools starts back up here soon. I am so excited! My friend is entering a different school for Nursing and they are taking into account her high school record. Now she has been out of school for 20 years. I think that is so silly since she has a great college record that is recent. She told the application lady that she is a diffrent person now then she was in high school ( aren't we all?). Oh the stuff that soceity finds to keep people down. Anyhow we will find out how things went before the fall term. I have a lot of cleaning to get done because when I was getting things out of the file cabinet for my lawyer I just left the other stuff out and about. I am such a pack rat. However, I am learning what should be kept and what can be thrown.
P.S Whoever made the polly pockets doesn't have little kids that can't put on the rubber clothing. I think they are the hardest toy to dress!

Tuesday, May 9

How AM I?

How am I ? Now there is an interesting question.
I am not sure how I am. I guess I am waiting... the sencond shoe has finally dropped when I comes to my X. So now all there is left to do is wait. I am being accused of violating everything in our orginal custody agreement and being taken to court for about $3000 by him. My lawyer has said not to panick. So here I am sitting and waiting. I keep saying the prayer from my last post because there is no point in worrying about things that I have no control over. The past keeps coming back to bite me in the butt. I really thought my X has moved on since he is suppose to be getting married this summer, but it seems that he wants revenge ( via the court) for every wrong he thinks I commited. Oh, well. Anyhow, I really can't say how I am...

Thursday, May 4


The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference

This is a prayer my mom taught me. I say it over and over and over.

Tuesday, May 2

My Mom

Mother's Day is around the corner and I thought that I would type some about my mom.

I know my mom thinks that she has failed me and I haven't done much to discourage that feeling. The truth is that my mom actually did me wonders. She taught me to stand up for your children and follow your maternal instincts. She taught me to depend on myself and that no matter what you have to keep trucking. She taught me to trust God, and that he never gives us more than we can handel. There is no shame in asking for help if you need it.
Everytime I start to blog some one needs something. I'll have to finish this later.

Tuesday, April 25

What surpised me most about being a mom

The thing that has surpised me the most about being a mom is how many ways your heart can break and how many little ways it can quickly be healed.
What has surpised you the most about being a parent?

Friday, April 21

I am still batteling

My advice to all women every where be careful with whom you have children with.
Mothers show this to your daughters, let them know what a struggle it is to get what is your childs best interst when there is a person that only wants to work against you. The pain in your childs face when the father lets your child down, the long court battles to get him to do what is right. The pain the whole family goes through every time he acts like an idiot and tries to force your child to go to his house when he/she doesn't want to. Hind sight is 20/20 but you can never go back and fix the mistakes and the broken hearts. The only thing you can do is plung forward and hope for the best. No matter how much in love you think you are, or think that you are going to spend the rest of your life toghther, WAIT. Just WAIT. I cannot save my child from heart break, but maybe you can save your future children from it.

Thursday, April 13

Last Post before Easter

This will be the last post before Easter because I have so much to do.
Everytime I have gone to check my e-mail these past few days, my stomach starts to do flips. Not good flips either. I don't want to get a call or email from my x and my stomach aches everytime I think about having to deal with him. I never know what to expect when it comes to him. Thinking about us going back to court makes me want to go throw up. I know I will be sick for weeks once I get my court date. My daughters birthday is on Fri and I know he won't call her (again). He has never called her or sent her anything for her birthday. I know that this will lead to another week of tears. Then I turn around and feel bad for ever having kids with him. I would have missed the dance if I knew that I could spare my daughter years of pain.

Tuesday, April 11

Pop corn balls

I just finished making popcorn balls. My cousins grandma used to make them every Halloween. I didn't know how messy they really were. I appericate those popcrn balls alot more now ans believe me I loved them back then! I made them today for my oldest daughter to take to school for her birthday treat. We are going to have 4 of her friends spend the night Thurs-Fri. After that we will head to my grandma's house on Saturday for Easter. I don't know how long we will stay but, the kids are bringing all their baseball stuff and plenty of other things to do. It should be a good time. Have a Happy Easter.

Friday, April 7

A little of this little of that

The wheels are now well oiled for the oldest daughter's dyslexia testing. We have an appointment set for her, the money has been set a side. I feel a big relief that we will know soon if something is wrong with her and what it is. I almost hope that there is something wrong because I have tried everything that I can think of. Is that bad?
How come my side bar won't show up on my computer but will on others?

Thursday, April 6

Up date

I downloaded the Thomas Kincade pics. from his web site. ( I think that is where I got them ).
The wheels are in slow motion to go back to court. As i am reading the law I have a feeling that this is going to be a long fight. You would think that with all the bull shit he has put my daughter through that it would be an open and shut case. I have a feeling that he is going to try to blame her not going on me. Then he will either try to get me for contempt of court or try to take the kids. It is going to be a tougher battle to get her last name changed. I have the truth on myside so I am counting on the truth to win it for us.
I also called the nursing school to make sure that there was still space for me because it is taking so long to get my shots. They told me not to worry they have my spot saved! oh, good that takes a lot off my mind.
There is grest medical news out there also. Scientist have grown organs that work from one's own stem cells!! That means so much for so many!!!

Saturday, April 1

The only therapy I can afford

This is the only therapy I can afford right now, thank goodness it is free.
My X called the police this morning because my daughter didn't want to go to his house. All he would have had to do is apologize to her for being such an incosiderate, selfish person. Then she would have forgiven him and went. No instead he had to try to be a bully. Well, it did not work. She told the officer that she didn't want to go because he treated her poorly. He asked if her mom or step-dad was stopping her from going , she said no and that was the end of it. At least for today. I am sure that I haven't heard the last of him on this matter. There is so much going on in my life, his shit was the last that I needed to deal with.

Monday, March 27

Long time, No blog

I finally have a few mins. to myself, so I thought I would blog. So much has been happening that I don't know if I can even keep up with it. I jsut go through my days getting done what I can and planning on when I can get the stuff that I wasn't able to get done, done. My X is being his useual jerkish self so my daughter is refuseing to go to his house until "he can care for me like he should." These are her words. She feels like she is invisable when she is over there. Also she is really mad because when she hurt her ankel he Never called her. Not even after she chewed him out for not calling her. I don't encourage her either way. The only thing I say is for her to do what makes her happy. I learned the hard way that your happiness depends on the choices you make, including the the choice of who you are with. I don't want her to learn these lessons too late.

Thursday, March 23

A pitcure like this reminds me of when I was a kid. My cousins and I would walk through the woods and explore. Sometimes we would come to an opening and it was always a mystery what we would find in it. Those were the days of pure innocence and peace.

I was at the doctor's office the other day looking at the BMI index chart. I for got to ask him to explain it to me. Can anyone help me out? I know being a soon to be nurse I should know, but I don't.

Tuesday, March 21

I am so glad that spring is fianlly here. although the weather is still cold, the promise of it getting warmer just makes me feel relieved. I had a nice spring pic. but i am having trouble getting it loaded. Is there a way that anyone can send me some nice spring picture Via- the computer?

Thursday, March 16


I had to scream to get it out of my system.
On top of everything, my daughter sprained her ankle badly in school today. We took her for x-rays and she is now on crutches with an air cast. I called work and had them replace me because who knew how long we maybe. This is the second time this week I haven't worked. I didn't go last time because I had to attend a funeral. I should have seen the next part coming because for some reason people in my family die in threes. My other uncle on the other side of the family is about ready to go to the pearly gates and I have another uncle that could or could not go soon too. The last time someone(s) went it was my grandfather and then two aunts. I am enjoying everything as much as possible. I have my husband home with me because he got hurt at work. He is helping me as much as he can and then there is my best friend who is very encouraging. I really do have a good support system when I take the time to look around me. That is more than some have.

Sunday, March 12

the spin quickens

I have made a interview appointment with a doctore that specializes in learning disablities. This way I can find out just what is the matter with my daughter. More and more things are being added to my calander. My husband was hurt at work so now he will have a slew of appointments. My Uncle has passed so we are driving 4 hours so we may attend his furnel. I can't wait til my stuff for school has been taken care of, this will take a lot off my calender and my mind. Some days I feel that I could just fall over. My face has broken out real bad. Poor, poor me. I know there is so much worse things that people deal with. I just need to vent to get it off my chest.

Wednesday, March 8

I couldn't help myself

I was at work yesterday reading an article in our local news paper in a section I don't normally read. The article was called Sharing compassion and was about the author who sponsored a child overseas and got to meet this child. I was so very moved by the article that I went to the website to sponsor a child myself. I thought that this could be something that my oldest daughter and I could do together since the child I choose is her age. I think that this will help my daughter grow as a person as well as help this other child. For $24 a month we can do this. I chose a child in Ethiopia because I know more about the starving children there. Don't get me wrong I bring the homeless in my own city food when I can and help others plenty. This however, I can't explain. Usually I am all "help the people in your own country first..." But something drew me to do this. I can't even think what it maybe had me do this.
I filed papers yesterday to receive more child support for my own kids. It isn't that they don't have a lot. It is the fact that everytime I ask for money we fight. This way I no longer have to ask.

Monday, March 6

Pouring my heart out

10 Years ago I thought that I was going to marry the father of my child and we were going to live happily ever after. I could not have been more wrong. After 4 1/2 years of misery (1 1/2 years were great the other 4 were bad) I left for the last time. It has been a a constant battle between us ever since. We thought we couldn't agree on anything before, ha that was nothing compared to now! Every little move I make with the kids is a battle. "If I had of known then.... Why won't he just fall off the face of the Earth?

Sunday, March 5

I have to get it out

I just need to blow off some steam about a few things.
First off my daughter is still failing Math and she hasn't even gotten a test date for her learning disablities. The year will be coming to an end before we know it and then what? My husband and I may have to attend the next school board meeting. I have never attended one of those before. The test is suppose to be given in a timely matter. Well, what is exactly a timely matter. My oldest is so sad about her grades and is very afraid that she will be held back. I had a disscusion board site saved about this and now I can't find it. OOOOOH, the frustration and red tape.

Wednesday, March 1

Warm Day

Another warm enjoyable day. Although again this weekend it is suppose to be cold. When will it stay warm? I want warm weather!!
I have so many trips to the doctors this month that we should all know each other on a first name basis by the time we are done. I have to get 2 TB tests, Tetnis, MMR booster, Blood work. Then my kids each need a physical for daycare. Oh, I also need an eye exam (isn't my driver's license enough?). Then after all that is done I need to get a criminal history and child abuse clearnence on my self and send that in. Not that I have a record but they need to have proof.
Baseball starts for my 6 year old daughter next week or atleast practice does. I don't think I have enough to do. Does anyone need me to do any running around or Doctor visits for them too?

Monday, February 27

When you have to go, you have to go. I am surprised we haven't see a kid on one of those kids leashes out side the port-o- potty.

I have been much busier than usual. On Saturday we traded in our run down van for a much nicer one. Ofcoarse we had to put more money down on this but it is well worth it. I also had orientation for school, which I am so excited about. I have to go get my physical today and then each of my kids need one for daycare. I just can't believe how much daycare is going to cost for 8 weeks. I don't know how normal people afford it. I have much more to write but, my doctor's appointment is in one hour and I still need to shower.

Wednesday, February 22

100th Post

This is my 100th post. Horray for me!!
I have come to relize that I have a junk collecting problem. I collect a bunch of non-related items and think of uses for them if I can find other items to go with them. Then I don't find anything that goes with it and it just sits here collecting dust. If it wasn't for my husband I would have a house full of useless things. Instead I just have useless things in a few places. I also feel the urge to buy extra dressers, clothing that no one will wear (yet), and books. Oh yeah, toys too ( indoor and out door). Maybe I think that if it looks like we have a lot then we really will have a lot. Maybe I am trying to make up for all that I didn't have. I don't know. I can see however, how this could become a problem. If I could I would have a lot of animals. There was a time when I had 5 cats. I got rid of all but 1 after a while. But it is a good thing my husband has put a limit on things like that or my house would over flow.

Sunday, February 19

No title

I am realy having trouble with this stupid computer lately. It has been too slow to do anything since my husband down loaded this new DVD program.
I am so very busy this coming week. My schdeule is full Tuesday. My husband is off work for a doctor's appointment and I am watching my best friend's kids for a bit. I also have to work and I wanted to go get my hair cut shorter. On Wend. I go and find out more about my nursing school! I am so excited about that. I had forgotten how expensive day care was. For a months worth of daycare for my 4 children it is over 2,000 American dollars.Atleast it is only for one month, then they ALL go to scholl! It is about time they all went. I have been looking forward to that day for a very long time.

Thursday, February 16


I like this picture! If there was a such thing as reicarnation, I wanted to be a cat. I don't think I would go around sleeping in toilets, however.
Would you beleive that it is 50 Degrees F here. We are suppose to be at a high of 25 both Saturday and Sunday. Speaking of Saturday I have a cute spelling of it that my first grader wrote. Sad r day. That was just how she wrote it. Well, I have to go to work tonight, so I must be off. Have a good night.


I like this picture! If there was a such thing as reicarnation, I wanted to be a cat. I don't think I would go around sleeping in toilets, however.
Would you beleive that it is 50 Degrees F here. We are suppose to be at a high of 25 both Saturday and Sunday. Speaking of Saturday I have a cute spelling of it that my first grader wrote. Sad r day. That was just how she wrote it. Well, I have to go to work tonight, so I must be off. Have a good night.

Sunday, February 12

Just the little woman

Yes, the blue was suppose to happen. Pink is my favorite color but, it was time for a change.

This is kinda what it looks like today. Or it would if we had more trees.

Ok on with the real post.

There are some days that I just feel like I am the little woman of the house that doesn't know a thing. I have told everyone about the mold and no one ever did come to look at it. We were just told that nothing could be done until the weather warmed up. Now I have heard a lot about the dangerous mold and frankly I am afraid of it. I wanted someone to come out and look at our mold just for peace of mind. Oh,no we can't do that because that would make our landlord mad. So I had my oldest daughter take everything out of her closet and put it into mine. Today my FIL went into the closet and cleaned the mold off the side you can see, then repainted it thinking that this was going to make a difference. There is still mold on the other side of the wall and it will come through. Hello, people. Let's use our heads! Then again what do I know I am just the little woman of the house.

Thursday, February 9

Nursing school

I'll give those of you who want to know all the info. on the school that I have.
I have to go to orientation on Feb. 22 at 9am ( don't know who will watch the youngest yet). School starts in July ( don't know exactly the date). I have to finish my fincial aide and propbley have to take out a loan for day care. However, the kids will only have to go to day care for a little while because school for them starts at the end of Aug. I haevn't really made up my mind what I will do after I am finished. I do have a whole year to think about it.

Tuesday, February 7

Congrats to me!

I got my test results today and I am in! I did it! I did it! I did excellent on my reading. My math I passed by 12 points! Math is what I suck at. That is Ok as long as I got in. I really needed to reveiw a few things in math more indepth. I figure though that I will carry a calculator with me when I work. That way I won't have to freak out trying to figure things out.
This city has gone insane since the Steelers won the Super Bowl. The day after the city had a two hour delay for its schools. Then today some schools canceled because there was a parade downtown for the returning team! There were 200,000 people downtown for the parade today. I was going to take my youngest but it was too cold. Hope everyone is having a good day.

Saturday, February 4

No News

No news on my test is not nessicarly good news. I will get them next week. I think everything should be send by email now. The postal service takes way too long. The big game is tomarrow. Go Steelers!

Wednesday, February 1

Boys VS Girls

Just a quick note first about the Super bowl... Pittsburgh will win because Seattle really isn't that good. Just watch the last game they played. They only won because the other team was REALLY BAD!! Pittsburgh is a good bet.

Ok So as we all know I have both boys and girls. Now I have always heard that one is easier to raise than the other ( Depends on who you talk to as to which is which). In my professional, hehehe, opion I think that it all even out in the end. Yeah, girls go through the very emtional tourcher you stage, but boys can tourcher you as well in other ways. One day I will fall over because of the daring things my son tries to do. I want to know what others think, however. Which sex is easier?

Monday, January 30

Pittsburgh's going to the SUPER BOWL

I think my husband finally fixed this nutty computer. Saturday I finished the last 2 carpets. I didn't go to work because my husband went to a Autograph signing for the Pirates ( baseball). Wish the steelers had one where I could get our QB's autograph. THEY ARE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL THIS SUNDAY!!! This town truely bleeds black and gold (our football colors). People are buying up everything they can get their hands on. The first thing on the news everynight has to do with the Steeler's. I can't wait to see the game.
No test results yet. They will be here this week or next. I have been calm, surprisenly enough. Well, have a jolly day.

Friday, January 27

My aching back

I just finished steam cleaning all 6 upstairs carpets. I have 2 more downstairs to do but I am all out of cleaner. I really need to run to go get more. I need to take short break first. My computer is going to crash soon I just know it. If you haven't heard from me that is why.

Wednesday, January 25

I would like to start off by thanking Fizzy for the information. I know it will help.
I took my test and I am really not sure how I did. The day didn't start off Start off well and it isn't ending well. We had 60 Math questions and 60 mins. to do it in. There was a lot of Mixed fractions and I'm not sure I did so hot on a bunch. There was a little algbra at the end and I guessed on those. There is just no way I can do that without help. I barely passed it the first time I took it. I don't know if it was the fact that I didn't have any breskfast or what but the choices for the reading comp. didn't make much sense to me. Now I am a very good reader and can comperhend very well, but the choices were just dumb. Although I do have a tendancy to miss the ovious and read too much into things. We needed 41 out of 60 on the math and 38 out of 60 on the reading. So we will see. Ofcoarse all this was timed. Good thing that the testing fee is tax deductable.
On to the dyslexic, hormonal child. Is that a mean way to describe her? Well, I was at the school yesterday for a meeting with my sons teacher, principle and the lady who gives extra help to the kids. My son is doing much better, this is good news. I took a few minutes to talk to them about why I would soon be contacting the lady and the pricipal for my oldest daughter. after I explained my concerns they said that they wouldn't test her unless she had atleast 2 F's on her report card. Now I don't think that is fair. If she has below a C and is crying all the time because she can't get it and just gets it enough to sqeak by... Why wouldn't you test her to just make sure? So I said that I would be contacting them at another time. This is the longest blog I ever wrote. I"M SO PROUD!

Monday, January 23

What's New

I know it has been a while since I wrote. I have been doing research on Dyslexia. There are so many things out there designed to help I don't know where to start. It is a complicated learning disorder that is not as cut and dry as ADHD. I haven't gotten a response from the school yet meaning that my husband and I are going to have to make an appointment with the teachers and principle. That is always a fun task. Ofcoarse I will go there prepared with all of my copies of why I believe that she has dyslexia and hopefully they can give me a starting point. All though I am not going to hold my breath. Does anyone know anyone who can help me with this? Give my an outline on where to start and where to go from there. She is in 5th grade and the stuff that I read is geared toward younger kids. Please help me help her.
On another note I have been reviewing for my test it is in 2 days! OOO, I have butterflies.

Wednesday, January 18

The Pot is Boiling

The pot is boiling and soon it will boil over. My husband and I are both under a lot of strss and it is starting to show. I am not getting enough sleep at night and he is more tired than usual when he gets home. This makes us both more grumpy. January is a really bad time of month for us and I wish there was more that I could do about it. I have taken on as many hours as I can and so has he. Ofcorse like I said before if my pay check would get here when it was suppose to...
The weather here is just weird. One day it was 51F and the next it is snowing! That is just strange. I am however, getting nervouse about the test that is coming up next week. Zoinks! I hope I can remember enough to pass. Wish me Luck.

Monday, January 16


My husband and I are thinking that my oldest daughter has dyslexia. He was helping her with her spelling words one night and noticed that she can't sound them out. Now in kindergarten her teacher told me that she couldn't do phonics but I thought that it was because she hadn't attend pre-school and was behind. Now she is in 5th grade, she has been in a special reading group since 1st and has always had trouble in school. Her being dyslexic never crossed my mind. I went and looked it up on line and she is a text case dyslexic and it says that if you catch it by 3rd grade then she has the best chance at revesing it. So now I am mad at myself. It also says that it is passed down through the genes. Now I am really mad. ADHD, which my son has is also passed down through the genes. I never knew I had such a messed up set! I feel horrible that I have kids that have to deal with such hardships that I can do nothing about. Well, we will have to find a way to over come this too.

Thursday, January 12

Grumpy All Day

GRRRRR! My frustration is mounting. I had to try and do the bills this morning! Ha, what a joke. My husband only worked a few days last week and my paycheck hasn't come yet. I have so had it with the company I work for. Would you beleive that I actually expect to get paid on time and the right amount. I owe almost $500 on my gas bill and my home phone is ready to be shut off. My cell phone has already been turned off. My oldest has grown out of everything she owns and her hormones are out of control. She has been such an emotional wreck. I would like to scream and have a hissy fit now. It won't help the situation any but it will make me feel better.

Tuesday, January 10

A day in my shoes

I have had a stomach virus since Saturday night. I am now just getting better. I will have to go to work tonight. I may get more rest there then here. Just when I start to feel better the whole house thinks that everything is all better. Then they wear me out. My husband got a taste of what I have to go through everyday, yesterday. He had to run a bunch of errands and take care of stuff and then it came time to take my oldest to the tutor and start dinner. He started to complain ,I said now you know what I do everyday. I think more men should get a taste of what us women do everyday. Maybe then they would calm down about things.

Friday, January 6


There is a large mixture of feelings running through me today. Relieved because my husband has gone back to work today. They haven't had enough work for him for the past two days so he has been home earning no money. Anxious because we found a lot of mold on the wall of my daughters closest. I am waiting for a guy to come to check it out so we know what kind of mold it is and what to do about it. Tired because I haven't been feeling well and I haven't been able to slow down. It is almost like the holidays are my down time and things tend to speed up after them. I am also rushed because there are a lot of things that I have to do today and very little time.

Monday, January 2

Happy New Year

On New Years Eve my husband and I went to a Country Bar with friends. We had a blast. As my last brave act of 2005 I rode the mechanical bull! Now I told the guy operating it that I wanted to go really slow. Well, He left it on medium and that thing whipped me around. I held on for a bit but I finally let go and fell off. I was sideways on the bull and couldn't pull myself back up so that is when I let go. I am so paying for riding the bull. My thighs hurt so bad. I hurts to go up and down the stairs. ooooh, the agony.