Thursday, October 26

Nothing new

It has taken me days to figure out how to post on this new blogger. Finally after hitting almost every link I found the right one. All I had to do was go home.
Isn't that the moral to a lot of stories that if you want to start something new then all you have to do is go home. Dorthy said that "if I ever go looking for my heart again, I don't have to go any further then my own back yard". Although sometimes you just need to go home to know what you don't want and then you can go out and get what you do.
I cannot wait til school is over. I wouldn't recommend this school to anyone. I came to it because I knew the classroom size was small. Therefore, I expected a lot of one on one attention. I never knew that it was going to turn into high school. If you pass it is not because the teachers did there job, it is because you found a way to understand the info. yourself. This really makes me not want to go back for my Rn. Who knows I still have 8 months left. Good thing time is going quickly.


itisi said...

Good post, busy! They say home is where the heart is. My fav. is the one that says a house is made of brick and stone but a home is made of love alone. Sometimes I want to go home.
Keep plugging away at school. I know you are doing a wonderful job, despite the teachers. You can be proud of your accomplishments! I know I am!

busybusybusy said...

Thanks, that really helps when you know others are holding their breath with you.

itisi said...

my goodness, you have aged....
i was looking at your profile and it says you are 250....whatis the secret to a long life?