Thursday, December 28

Hopes for the New Year

I have both big hopes and little hopes for the New Year. I don't make any promises to my self about the New Year because I am a rule breaker. I am just going to cont. watching my waist. I have lost some weight but I want to lose more befire summer when we go on vacation.
If I were the Iraqi govt. I would hang Sadaam on midnight New Years. That is just me though.
I just want to make it through the school year, without an ulcer would be nice. Then I would like to pass my boards. Those are my biggest goals for 2007. My small goals are many. I can only acheive those if they don't get in the way of my large ones. I know I have a lot of people pulling for me. I know I have help from my friends at school too. It is too bad that the school doesn't help you like they say they will. Oh, well nothing you can really do. I have given many bad reviews for some of the teachers though. Maybe something will be done. Well, Enjoy the New Year celebrations. I hopeing we will be able to.

Friday, December 22

OVER, for now

Sencond semester finals are now over and done with. Ofcoarse they make us sweat it out over vacation to see what we got but honestly, I know I passed the coarse and that is all that matters.
Now, I have the next 10 days off of school and have work around here to do. Have a Happy December everyone and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.

Tuesday, December 19

Almost @ the end..

OMG, would someone like to borrow a child until Christmas Eve. I have various ages and you can have a boy or a girl. I know the excitment is driving them bonkers but they are driving me bonkers!!!!
Just a few more days of school left. I have been studying for my finals and hard too. I have found that it is more relaing to study with someone from a different school because there is no bitching about what is or is not going on. Then I get a vacation. Ofcoarse, I have to share this with the kids but Who cares. A mental break from school is much needed!
I hope everyone gets a mental break after Christmas or whatever you celebrate. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 14


It is getting closer to Christmas, closer to finals, closer to the end of school. No pressure here! Thank God for good friends and a great husband or I wouldn't have any hair left.
There is not a drop of snow to be found here in Pa. Can you believe it? In fact we have a bunch of windows open! I guess Dreaming of a white christmas is apporpate this year. It hasn't been raining either. It is almost like the weather is stuck in neutral. Oh, well maybe that will mean that my parents can come see us before christmas. The first christmas tree was decorated in 1510. Just in case someone needed to know that.

Friday, December 8

What I should have said

I got a nasty 6 page letter from my x. To him my reply was sticks and stones...
What I should of said is as follows:

Dear Parinoid Wanna Be Dad:
I releize that in your parinoid little world everything is and always has been my fault. In fact I know you think I wrote the chid support laws and then took you to court. Also my "Nazi" rein is brain washing the children into hating you, brain washing my husband into loving and supporting me and brain washing the U.S. govt. into giving me income tax money. Money that I don't deserve because I sit on my lazy ass all day. Well, my response to this is : STOP WRITING AND GET BACK TO WORK SO I CAN GET MY MONEY!!!!

Do you think that would have gotten him all fired up? LOL

Sunday, December 3


Nightmares often riddle my sleep. The mind won't turn off, I wake up with the name of a drug on the tip of my lips. What does do and how does it work, I wonder as I drift back to sleep. Another nightmare, oh now I have to pee. Look at the clock well, might as well shower, I have only 5 more mins. before the alarm goes off anyway. The name of that drug is still floating around in my mind as I shower. Wish I had time to look it up before I go , but no time. Off I go wisking into the day. Can't wait to go back to sleep again, forgetting it is riddled with night mares.