Thursday, December 28

Hopes for the New Year

I have both big hopes and little hopes for the New Year. I don't make any promises to my self about the New Year because I am a rule breaker. I am just going to cont. watching my waist. I have lost some weight but I want to lose more befire summer when we go on vacation.
If I were the Iraqi govt. I would hang Sadaam on midnight New Years. That is just me though.
I just want to make it through the school year, without an ulcer would be nice. Then I would like to pass my boards. Those are my biggest goals for 2007. My small goals are many. I can only acheive those if they don't get in the way of my large ones. I know I have a lot of people pulling for me. I know I have help from my friends at school too. It is too bad that the school doesn't help you like they say they will. Oh, well nothing you can really do. I have given many bad reviews for some of the teachers though. Maybe something will be done. Well, Enjoy the New Year celebrations. I hopeing we will be able to.

1 comment:

itisi said...

Happy New Year, busy!!
Good luck at school!!