Wednesday, August 31

Rock in the Rain

Even though it was raining my husband and I still went to see the Crue. They were about an hour late getting on stage. My husband and I were some of the smart ones wearing ponchos but ofcoarse there were the stupid ones that got all dressed up, hair and make up done, by the 1st song they looked like drowned rats. We had seats atleast, there were 100's that had to sit in the mud on the lawn. It was worth every misrealble moment of waiting to see them. The Crue kicked ass! There were people who brought their kids who were under 12. I'm sure they were sorry they had. On stage was a fire breathing midget, half naked (topless) women. Ofcoarse Tommy Lee had to see some Titties so he grabbed their video camera so Everyone could see too. No naked band memebers this trip. Although Tommy said he needed to cover his dick after he was done flying from the rafters to his different drum sets. It was a kick ass night. At the end when we were getting ready to leave the way we had walked in was a 3 foot river so we had to take the long way around but that was ok too. It was great I am so glad they are back together. They look the same as they did when I was 13 ( that is really saying something). I will be going again next time they even come close to our area!

Tuesday, August 30

Rain, rain...

It is raining again today. It is only suppose to get worse too. Tonight we are suppose to get what is left of Katrina ( the hurricane that hit Lousianna ). It was almost this time last year when Ivan flooded this small town and many others. Being this far North one wouldn't think hurricans would bother us, but, we get the end of them. Sometimes they can devastate this area, as in the case of Ivan. It hasn't rained as much this year so the news is saying the ground can handle it. I am going to just watch the creeks anyhow. I think it depends on how much rain how quickly we get it. Well, All I can do is hope for the best. I am also suppose to go to an out door concert tonight to see Montley Crue. Gee, that will be fun in the rain.

Monday, August 29

First Day

Today was the kids' first day back to school. It went pretty smooth. My First grader cried because she always does when she is going somewhere new. My 5th grader was excited and my son, who is in 4th, could have cared less.
I start back to college next week. After having a month off I am ready to get back into the swing of things. If you see me write some Spanish words in here it will be because I am practicing. I take Spanish and philosophy this term. It will prove to be interesting.

Friday, August 26

Other Blogs

I was searching through blogs yesterday and I came across a very sad one. There was a very depressed younge man from Canada who felt all alone in the word. He thought about suicide on a daily basis and even had a plan on how to go through with it. He admitted that he needed help but just could not ask for it. It made me sad. I know many people who were once like that and wonder how many more are out there that need help. I think that it is harder to say "help me" than it is to say "I Love You". I know it is hard to ask for help but I also wonder why it is so hard?

Thursday, August 25

School Days

It is a late entry today because I had to finish school shopping for the kids. They go back on Monday. I have 3 girls that want everything in fashion. Mainly the stuff that looks like adult club clothing shrunk. My oldest wear a size 8 shoe in Womens. Therefore, she keeps picking out 3inch heels. We have the same fight every year. I always compromise and get her an 1" high. I figure that isn't too bad. My four year old is outside yelling right now that the neighbor kid ( who is 6 ) is not her boyfriend. I keep telling her that she does't need one but she thinks different. My six year old always wants the shortest skirts she can find. Why? Is it because the Stars wear it or do u think that it is bread in us that we need to look sexy? I know I drove my mother nuts the same way. Only I think I waited till I was about 12 to do so. Mine start as soon as we start asking what they would like to wear. Boys on the other hand take about 5 mins. to pick out the stuff they want and there is no fighting! I love taking him. Only he hates going!

Wednesday, August 24


I thought I'd write in this color green because that is how I feel today. I have such a bad headache. I am feeling bad about not feeling well because it is a great day outside. I love the outdoors. My favorite thing to do is garden and play ball with the kids. All I feel like doing today is crawling back under the covers and sleeping away my headache.

Monday, August 22

Cute things kids Say

I have a lot of cute things that happened over the weekend to write about. Then I thought I'd like to hear about the cutest thing your children have ever said. Besides the first time your child said "mama" or "dada".

Saturday, August 20

The Suds

I don't know if any of you have seen the cartoon Sponge Bob. He is a Sponge that lives under the sea. Anyhow there is an episode where Sponge Bob gets sick and is sneezing. When he sneezes he blows out bubbles all over. Sponge Bob calls this sickness "The Suds". So my 4 year old gets up the other morning and says " Mom I have the suds" and proceeds to sneeze. It was so cute she was so serious. Even though bubbles didn't go everywhere ( thank goodness), she had the suds.

Friday, August 19

Did You Know

I thought I would end the week on a happy note. So here is some things that you may not have known.

1. When you have a sore throat do not eat stuff with a lot of salt. The strep bacteria loves salt and it will grow faster.

2. 86% of women in the United States Voted in the last Pres. Election. Only 65% of Americans Voted over All.

3. Sitting too close to the TV will not ruin your eyesite (don't tell my kids).

4. Blue eyes is a Gentic Mutation.

5. Lice likes clean hair and won't go into dirty hair.

6. 32% of American Women call their mothers atleast once a day ( Not me, sorry mom).

7. Having sex with your husband can increase your life span.

8. Your nails are actually dead. The part that is alive is underneath your skin.

That is all I have time for hope you enjoyed and have a great weekend.

Thursday, August 18


I have a friend who just had her 5th child. An absoultly perfect little girl. Everything is in perfect perportion. My friend asked me, as I was holding this angel, if I would ever have another. I looked down at the angel in my arms, smiled and said "no way". My 4 are enough! Then don't forget I have a stepson also. Having a stepson you have to work twice as hard because first you have to get him to like you. Where as your kids are born liking you. So it is almost like having six kids some days. That and my son with ADHD is like having a little kid when he hasn't taken his meds. So I am always having a grand ol' time. I don't need anymore.

Wednesday, August 17


Today I would like to post the question what does September mean to you?

September has always been mgical to me because it is a month filled with birthdays including mine. The leaves begin to turn their pretty fall colors and mother nature keeps the temp. reasonable. Also my favorite fruit, the apple is in harvest. YUMM!

Tuesday, August 16


I don't think it is antidepressants that suck then creativeness out of some people. I think it is kids. I sit down and try to write and I hear a scream and "MoM!". Then the running footsteps of the masses and the "he hit me" or "he is going to hit me"! Then I have lost total train of thought. When I was working outside the house I felt very creative. Now that I am home with the kids all day I feel they have sucked it out of me. I can't wait for them to return to school.

Saturday, August 13


I have some good animal stories today. I was sweeping and mopping the kitchen and the puppy was watching go back and forth with the mop and broom. He must have decided they were a threat because he was barking up a storm at them. If they came near him he backed away. Because the floor was wet he would slip and slide way back. He did this through the who;e floor mopping. Later the cat that has adopted us jumped up on the bed where I was reading. I was rubbing her head for awhile and then i stopped. She bit me hard for stopping! Can you beleive that. I swear animals are closer to being human than the "experts" will admitt.

Friday, August 12


I know that ADHD is a Real problem. My son oh so definatly has it. I also agree that it is over diagnosed. In fact my step-son has just been told he has ADHD. He oh so definatly does not have it. His mom does not want to hear that the doctor could very well be wrong and needs a sencond opion. For anyone who does not know what ADHD is it stands for Attention Deficite Hyperactive Disorder. Now there is a difference between ADHD and ADD. To make a long definition short ADD does not include hyperactivatey. Anyway back to my step-son... So anyhow the boy gets straight A's in a Catholic School. He has been repremanded for "goofing" off in school. So his mom says oh he must have ADHD and she found a doctor to agree with her! It upsets me to see him have to be labled with something he doesn't have and to see his mom pass the buck on parenting. I wish there was something I could do about it but she has refused to be educate further about the subject.

Thursday, August 11


When people give parties there is alomoat always a RSVP on the invite. Now I always RSVP because I know that the host needs to know how many people are coming. Yet when I put RSVP on invitations I am lucky if two people call. Yet a bunch of people who didn't call will show. I have spoken to other people who have the same thing happen. Why is it people won't call to let the host know they are coming?

Wednesday, August 10

bees and feet

Bees and feet don't mix as it is. Who would have thought that the bee stings would cause a skin infection. My foot is swollen and itchy and driving me nuts! It is so hard to chase the little ones and the puppy. My pinky toe is the only one that can touch the floor! Atleast some of the swelling has gone down today. I would rather it stopped itching though.