Friday, August 12


I know that ADHD is a Real problem. My son oh so definatly has it. I also agree that it is over diagnosed. In fact my step-son has just been told he has ADHD. He oh so definatly does not have it. His mom does not want to hear that the doctor could very well be wrong and needs a sencond opion. For anyone who does not know what ADHD is it stands for Attention Deficite Hyperactive Disorder. Now there is a difference between ADHD and ADD. To make a long definition short ADD does not include hyperactivatey. Anyway back to my step-son... So anyhow the boy gets straight A's in a Catholic School. He has been repremanded for "goofing" off in school. So his mom says oh he must have ADHD and she found a doctor to agree with her! It upsets me to see him have to be labled with something he doesn't have and to see his mom pass the buck on parenting. I wish there was something I could do about it but she has refused to be educate further about the subject.


itisi said...

Say What?!! Any kid who goofs off in school and is getting straight A's is BORED!! Maybe stepson's dad should talk to the school. Is that an option? Could he also maybe after he talks to the school, talk to the doctor?!

busybusybusy said...

What will the school do and the doctor? Besides he's not on our insurance.

itisi said...

What I mean is, could the Dad maybe convince the school that the boy is just bored and does not have ADHD?

busybusybusy said...

No, about the school thing. Mom Rules. We did sit down and have a talk with my step-son and explained to him why he does not have ADHD and how he can not use it as an excuse.