Monday, August 29

First Day

Today was the kids' first day back to school. It went pretty smooth. My First grader cried because she always does when she is going somewhere new. My 5th grader was excited and my son, who is in 4th, could have cared less.
I start back to college next week. After having a month off I am ready to get back into the swing of things. If you see me write some Spanish words in here it will be because I am practicing. I take Spanish and philosophy this term. It will prove to be interesting.


Brandi1977 said...

Glad the kids had a good first day. I know I am going to be a mess when J starts school! Good luck with your schooling! :)

itisi said...

Spanish words are okay to put in your blog, after all practice makes perfect! Who knows, maybe someone that reads your blog will be able to help you out in Spanish if you get stuck! That would not be me, sorry to say! I don't remeber much of my foreign language courses!