Wednesday, November 28

I quit

I quit my job. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I pretty much had to. So now I am quickly looking for a new one. In the time I am looking I will focus on my SuperMom business. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling soon. There is still much to do.
It is another busy wed. Basketball,swimteam,Dr's appt. all tonight. Luckily, my son has a ride to swim practice. Thank goodness for other kind parents. Oh, snap, I think it is my turn to take them, maybe I can pick them up instead.
I'm pretty down, I'd like to crawl in a hole. I guess that is one good thing about having a busy life, you don't have time to hide. Infact, I am thankful ( most of the time ) for being so busy. I don't have time to let things eat at me. Although, on the down side, I have less time to solve things also. Guess I'll have plenty of time for a while.

Sunday, November 25


I look forward to sundays, most of the time. It is my lounge, sleep as late as you want day. Lately on Sat. we have been getting up super early for the kids' sports. But, Sunday's are my lazy day.

I have been thinking back on St. Thomas and some about California. I reaaly liked the weather and scenery in St. THomas and I really liked the weather in California, but here it is pretty and there is a lot to do. In California everything seemed to be the color of sand, and in St.Thomas there was limited amount of things to do. No I think I will live here and just visit those places, in my mind and sometimes in person.

Tuesday, November 20

A little more on St. Thomas

The water was so clear that anywhere you went you could see the bottom and all the fish swimming by. The only big shock was how salty the water tasted when I got some in my mouth. At night I watched a sand crab dig its way out and run across the cooling sand. All your worries just dissapear here.

Sunday, November 18

St. Thomas Pics. III

The top pic. is one of the HUGE cruise liners that stopped in St. Thomas.

Thursday, November 15

Wednesday, November 14

The swim meet

I know I promised pics. everyday, but the kids have projects to do for school so the computer has been tied up at home.
I thought that I would tell you about the swim meet last Sat.
My son is on the swim team, this is his first year. This was his first swim meet. We drove about 30 miles at 6:30 am to get to this place. Warm ups were at 7:30am and then he sat around and waited for about an hour before he was up. I didn't know that I was suppose to pick his events ahead of time so the coaches picked them for him. He had his worst two events. Freestyle back stroke was first. He was timed the Friday before at 2.40 mins. My son says to me , Mom, what if people make fun of me because I come in last?' I said "Honey, someone has to come in last. I'll Be proud if you try real hard and still come in last." That seemed ok with him. He was up, my knees start knocking, he did real well even though he came in last, he shaved over 1 min. off his time! I was proud. Now we wait about two hours before he is up again. Freestyle front stroke. At the start he enters the water wrong, there go the goggles down around his neck. OOOH, I say to my self there goes the whole race. But, no, not my boy he just keeps going. Although he lost again, he shaved over 25 secs. off his orginal time. I was yelling "keep going Bud, you are going to still beat your time" and by the end of the race everyone in the stands was cheering for him. I almost cried when he finished. He comes up in the bleechers and says "Everyone was cheering for me. Why they don't even know me". I told him that everyone was proud because he kept going even with his goggles off and he beamed. It was a really great day for the two of us.

Sunday, November 11