Sunday, November 25


I look forward to sundays, most of the time. It is my lounge, sleep as late as you want day. Lately on Sat. we have been getting up super early for the kids' sports. But, Sunday's are my lazy day.

I have been thinking back on St. Thomas and some about California. I reaaly liked the weather and scenery in St. THomas and I really liked the weather in California, but here it is pretty and there is a lot to do. In California everything seemed to be the color of sand, and in St.Thomas there was limited amount of things to do. No I think I will live here and just visit those places, in my mind and sometimes in person.

1 comment:

itisi said...

I know what you mean.
But I still don't like to drive in the snow when the weather is bad.
And like my brother says: You don't have to shovel sunshine.