Monday, October 31

Happy Halloween!

This is a great color to write todays blog in. Sham on me I have been so busy that I haven't been keeping up on my blog reading. Sorry.
I had to email my proffesor to let her know I would not be in class tonight. I am going to take my kids trick or treating no matter what. I think I only have missed one year out of 10 and that was because I absoultly had to work. I really enjoy taking the kids out it brings back fond memories of my mom taking us out everyear. I am glad when it is over and close to the end of trick or treat my kids a tuckered out anyhow. Every year they say can we go home now. I expect this will be the last year my 2 older ones say that. I have a cold so I may be saying that after the first hour. I have to finish my daughter's cape. I was not paying 25.00 for a cape when I could make a really nice one for 3.00. So I must go do that. BE SAFE tonight.

Friday, October 28

Well, I must say the first comment on my last post just made my day! I don't even know who that person is. It is another grey day here in Pa. Sunshine, I need sunshine.
I am still going to put off my nursing. I still have sitter issuses. In fact I have to miss school on Halloween because I can't get a sitter. My espanol teacher better understand!
I am so busy with the kids these next two weeks. Tonight we have to go get my son's darth vader costume and then on Sat. there is a parade. I have to work during the parade unfortunatly, Sunday I work and I think there is something going on. Monday I am watching my friends kid because she doesn't have school and my kids each have a halloween party, Monday night is trick or treat. Then next weekend oh i don't want to think about it right now. Both the older girls have girlscout stuff going on. Today I am getting my hair colored. I am going light brown with light blond steaks. Ph, I hope it turns out. I am off for my shower and then my day must begin!

Thursday, October 27

The state of being happy

So I spoke with my professsor last night so I could understand about being in the state of happiness. To reach this state you have to have acheived your goal in life and enjoy what you have choosen. So I won't be in the state of happiness until i am a nurse. It is hard to explain it took a whole half an hour for it to be explained to me. So now what shall I do? Shall I continue the fight to be a nurse? Shall I just wait til my youngest goes to kindergarden next year and then continue? I don't have any of those answers right now. I think I will just make it through this semester and then see. I hate waiting though. I want answrs like this yesterday!

Tuesday, October 25

More about happiness

Now I will give my opinion about the state of being happy.
Actually I have a few more questions about it. If one is in a happy state does that mean they never have a bad day? Does everything always come up roses? I for one would like to think that I am in a happy state of being because I have a great marriage and so on and so forth. However, the depression demond rears its ugly head every now and then. I also have bad, whacked out days. So what state am I in? Oh, the questions. Tomorrow, I may do my blog in Spanish for the practice. Don't worry I will translate.

Monday, October 24

More on Happiness

In psycology we learned that in order to be happy you neede to have five things first.

1. Need to be safe
2. Need food
3. Need shelter
4. Need love
5. Need sex ( this one is always disputed)

Only after we have these things can we begin our journey to seek happiness. Hey am am just going by what the "great minds" have said. I agree with everything but #5. That I am not so sure about.

Friday, October 21

Happiness is...

Hola, me amigas. What I am about to write is what Aristotile said about hapiness. Tell me what you think.

He said you need the following things to acheive the state of happiness:
  • a little money
  • good friends
  • good health
  • love ( true love not the using of the other person)
  • moral uprightness
  • A steady state of mind, doing good things all the time
  • good Mental health

Is there anything that you think should be added or deleted?

Thursday, October 20

This is why I'm Busybusybusy

As if I didn't have enough of my own work to do, I have to come up with a brillant idea for my oldest science project. It is due tomarrow. She need a maginifying lense on a sturdy base. I have to finish my philosophy paper on Russell( 3 pgs) by Wend., I need to go into the office for work to sign some papers. The girls want to sign up for free tennis lessons, thats great depending on the where and when. This is why I can't go into nursing school right now. When you get in, you have to go full time, it is all or nothing. I have to choose nothing because I would go nuts. There is just too much to do now. I guess I am really trying to remind myself why I can't go now. I know I would be a great nurse because I take my job and the wealfare of others so seriously. I am just going to have to be a good aide for now. I really must go. We still have to do this science project.

Wednesday, October 19

This is the 2nd week my daughter has been home from school. We keep finding one more nit everyday. It is driving both her and I nuts. Then there is the 4 yr. old that loves to scream at the top of her lungs about everything. The puppy isn't helping much either. I love being at home with them, but I need a break, besides school and work. I need to get out. Go somewhere relaxing, where I can unwind.
I know I bombed my Spanish test, having the little boys death on my mind didn't help. I was so concerned with how to say the words that I forgot what they meant. I didn't even need to know how to say them, why did I worry about that. oh, hum. I hope things are going weel for everyone else.

Tuesday, October 18

How I want to be remembered

I want to be remembered for helping others improve their quality of living. I would like to be remember as a giving, careing person. Since my Husaband insists I am to be buried( and not creamated), I want to be buried in my Pj's. Why not? No makeup, but please color my hair if it needs it. If you buy flowers for the funeral, please make them fake. That way they will last forever. Play some soft music in the backgroud because it is soothing to others. I think those are my only requests. I want to write it down now because you never know when my time will be up. Make your wishes known to your loved ones too. It will help ease the burden.

Monday, October 17


Bring out your tissues.
I just got the call that the sweet little boy that I took care of a few years back died on Sat. morning. He had a grand mal seizure and passed in his sleep. He was just turning 9 this month, as old as my son. He was Austistic and had white blonde hair. He was so active and loveable. I will never forget that although he really cpuld not speak he could say my name and Hi. That was really it. he amazed me often and I loved watching him. His parents amazed me with their calmness and love for all of their kids. They always found ways for this little boy to have a good time. I am crying as I type so there will be a lot of errors. He will be greatly missed.

Friday, October 14

And Now...

And now I have a child running a fever. I have 3 of the 4 children home today! Therefore,this post is super short.

Thursday, October 13

Putting A Chapter of My Life Off

This post will come to a shock to my family for I haven't said anything yet. In fact I came to this conclusion last night. After this semester I will stop going to school, at least for a while. I do not put in enough study time because I would rather be involved with my family. Nursing school is just going to have to wait. The kids and my husband need me more then we need the money. I can always go back. The stress of school and home and the guilt felt for not helping or doing things with the family is getting to me. It has been for sometime. I still haven't heard anything about my appeal and even though I am putting off school, they better not suspend me! That I will still fight because that is the right thing to do. I know many will be disappointed but they haven't walked a mile in my shoes. This is the right thing to do, I know it in my heart.

Wednesday, October 12


Fall and I have a love/hate relationship. I love the leaves turning and the slightly cooler air. I hate that my allergies act up really bad and that it rains more. Now the air is suppose to be a little cooler and I am frio already! I also hate that even colder weather is on its way. Winter and I have this same realationship.
The Lice situation is still confined to one person! Whew!

Tuesday, October 11

The joy of it all

Oh the joy of having kids and a puppy! I have had it with bugs! My oldest has lice and the puppy ofcourse has fleas. On top of the fleas he also has a skin condition and won't stop scratching. His fur is coming off in spots. I have spent quite a bit of money on the two of them! I give the dog weekly baths with special shampoo and then apply ati-itch stuff. Anyone who has ever had a child with long, thick hair knows the fun I am having with the lice! I have sprayed and washed everything, twice! Only one child has it luckily so it could be worse. However, I am so parinoid about me getting it that my whole body is itchy and wasn't before I found the lice. Have a good day.

Monday, October 10

Friday cont...

This might as well be Friday still as far as that psycho is concerned. She has called here every day this weekend and then again this morning at 8:20. The courts and such are closed today so tomorrow I will go down and file a harassment paper. I have had enough!!!
The meeting with the school went better than I thought it would. Ofcoarse I was very prepared and had two sheets of paper that gave ideas on things that will help ADHD kids in school. So I may have just helped other kids too! I fight hard for my kids and will never give up. Even if that means one day pulling them out of school and teaching at home. They mean more to me than any job or schooling that I maybe doing at the time. In 15 years or so I can resume my life but they can never get back these years of theirs. I am doing my best to keep the balance between my life and theirs. It has never been close to easy. I get very upset sometimes because I cannot keep the balance, but it tends to pass. I hope this finds everyone well. Hasta Manana

Friday, October 7

She just can't leave us alone...

I am so ready to change my phone number! That ex-sitter of mine is still calling me. Why can't she get it through her fat head that I DO NOT WANT TO SPEAK WITH HER! Her and my father-in-law tried to mess with my nursing career, I don't forgive easily for messing with my family. Worse yet these are his grandchildren, why date the sitter if you know there is a possility that she will quite because of the relationship. It would be different if this was the first time but it is not.
The party last night didn't help my mood much. I guess that was really because of the wench calling this morning. I have a meeting at my son's school. I always dread those meetings, the school can be such bullies if you are not prepared. I am ready though, I have been since the first day. I feel I know enough about ADHD to get my son some real help.

Thursday, October 6

All in a days work

I spent yesterday cleaning two of our carpets and the couch and loveseat. OMG what a job. I will spare you how dirty they all were. Tonight I am having a candel party. I don't expect people to order much but that is ok. I just like it to have all my friends in one place. I have still been in a funk. Haven't gone to school all week because I just can't bring my self to. I have been studing hard for my first espanol test. I am hopeing for an A but a B will do.
Today I am going to dust and that is about all. Hopefully miss grump will take a nap.
Hasta pronto ( see you soon).

Wednesday, October 5

I shouldn't be laughing

This is sort of funny, so feel free to laugh.
Last night I was having a dream that I was spending the night at my mom's house. I was sleeping in the livingroom when my oldest brother walked in at 2 am. He turned on a bunch of lights and was talking loudly with his friends. This sent me over the edge for I was sick of him having no respect for anyone. My husband who was sleeping in the chair next to me said I should go confront him and get it over with. So I go in to him and his friends and start talking with my brother. Then one of his friends starts to get smart. I think I am going to beat this guy. I turn and it is just a kid about ten. Oh hell, I can't beat up a little kid so I bite him instead. Here is the funny part.... I wake up to my four year old sniffling ,she was sleeping next to me in real life. I ask her what is wrong. " Mom, you bit me!" she says. I really did, instead of biting the kid in my dream I had really bit her! I do feel bad, but still laughing.

Tuesday, October 4

The Funk

I was so upset over things last night that I didn't go to school. On top of everything My husbands ex-wife is getting all nasty over nothing. This seems to be her trend. My poor husband is accused of not knowing what it is like to have to raise one child. She is right he only knows what it is like to raise 4. I am in a funk and wish there was ssomething that could bring me out of it.
I had such a great time for my birthday. My husband and I went to W. V. and played the slots. Then we went to a bar and then we just sat out side and watched the stars. We didn't return til' 2 Am and I felt human again. I guess the funk is because people just can't leave a good thing a lone. Well, I will just concentrate on the good friends and good family I have.

Monday, October 3

The stress of it all

My internet has been down since my last post. Thankfully the man came to fix it today.
So since I last wrote my two oldest went to their father's house with their bikes and someone broke into his house and stole the bikes. My father-in-law who has been dating my babysitter wouldn't take her out to dinner the other night so she calls me up and flips out on me. I don't want to speak to either one of them for a very long time. Lucky she was only an emergency sitter. I still haven't heard anything about my appeal, I want to take the enterce exam for nursing in late Nov. I have to go estudio for my espanol quiz. Later.