Tuesday, October 25

More about happiness

Now I will give my opinion about the state of being happy.
Actually I have a few more questions about it. If one is in a happy state does that mean they never have a bad day? Does everything always come up roses? I for one would like to think that I am in a happy state of being because I have a great marriage and so on and so forth. However, the depression demond rears its ugly head every now and then. I also have bad, whacked out days. So what state am I in? Oh, the questions. Tomorrow, I may do my blog in Spanish for the practice. Don't worry I will translate.

1 comment:

itisi said...

No one is happy all the time. I figure if one is happy more often than not, then their general state is of happiness. Usually people that put on being happy 99% of the time seem to either have a wicked temper that they spend all their time keeping tamped down, or they have states of depression that most people don't know about.