Tuesday, August 30

Rain, rain...

It is raining again today. It is only suppose to get worse too. Tonight we are suppose to get what is left of Katrina ( the hurricane that hit Lousianna ). It was almost this time last year when Ivan flooded this small town and many others. Being this far North one wouldn't think hurricans would bother us, but, we get the end of them. Sometimes they can devastate this area, as in the case of Ivan. It hasn't rained as much this year so the news is saying the ground can handle it. I am going to just watch the creeks anyhow. I think it depends on how much rain how quickly we get it. Well, All I can do is hope for the best. I am also suppose to go to an out door concert tonight to see Montley Crue. Gee, that will be fun in the rain.

1 comment:

itisi said...

Motley Crue! Wear a rain poncho! Everyone else will be wearing some type of rain gear! I hope it stops raining long enough to enjoy the concert!! I know how it is when it rains all the time, it gets depressing. It has been overcast here and sprinkles on and off for the past couple days! Kind of makes me want to crawl back in bed!