Friday, December 8

What I should have said

I got a nasty 6 page letter from my x. To him my reply was sticks and stones...
What I should of said is as follows:

Dear Parinoid Wanna Be Dad:
I releize that in your parinoid little world everything is and always has been my fault. In fact I know you think I wrote the chid support laws and then took you to court. Also my "Nazi" rein is brain washing the children into hating you, brain washing my husband into loving and supporting me and brain washing the U.S. govt. into giving me income tax money. Money that I don't deserve because I sit on my lazy ass all day. Well, my response to this is : STOP WRITING AND GET BACK TO WORK SO I CAN GET MY MONEY!!!!

Do you think that would have gotten him all fired up? LOL

1 comment:

itisi said...

oayYEs, that may have done it! Don't let it get to you too bad. He is a bitter person. What he doesn't realize is that it IS his fault that the kids don't think he hangs the moon because, after all , he left them and they didn't hear from him for how many years? Four? The more stuff he writes to you, the more he looks like the puky little peon that he is. Does he not realize that the child support that he owes is for his children that he now claims he loves? He really is DENSE.