Friday, August 4

Just wanted to share

I must have gotten my mother's brains, because yesterday I recieved a 100% on my A&P test! I have another test on Monday I hope I do as well! I wish I had of been this interested in high school. It may have made life a bit easier, nah.
Kindergarden round up is next week. I guess I am looking forward to it, to meet JJ's teacher and all. I know I will cry the first day of school. I never cried for any other but this is the baby. I told my husband that this meant we needed another baby and he reminded me that babiesa grow up. So no more babies,puppies or kittens. ( I have a friend who is trying to make up for the fact that she can't have another baby by buying kittens.)

1 comment:

itisi said...

I often wonder if subconsciencously (no I can't spell that word) I ended up with all my animals because I was trying to avoid the empty nest syndrome! I love them to death, even tho it means I have to get up earlier to take care of their needs before I go to work. And what empty nest??? I don't think this nest will ever be empty! And I am not complaining!

I know it is hard when your last baby goes to school! It is the beginning of a whole new era!!