Saturday, August 12

Trying to keep up

I am trying very hard to keep up. I have a take home mid term to do this weekend, birthday shopping, my daughter's first non-family babysitting job. I went to a bunch of yard sales this morning and boy am I glad I went. I was able to get my soon to be 7 year old a brand new bike for $20 instead of the $58 we were going to spend at the store. I was the same color and had the tags still on! We will give her other bike to her youngest sister. Now I have to birthday shop for my son. That is always a tough one. He is turning 10. I always have a hard time buying for boys. You would think it would be easy growing up with all boys but no it is not.
My oldest has her first non-family babysitting job tonight. I told her to wach the little one here so if there is a problem we can help. Even though the child lives 4 houses down I didn't feel like running back and forth all night.
Well, i really do have to get to my mid term. Have a good week.

1 comment:

itisi said...

You are a busy one, aren't you? Good luck on your midterm!! Have fun with the birthdays!! Good deal on the bike!