Friday, July 14

It's not easy

IT is not easy being a straight A student. I have had 5 tests this week. Now I am taking a break, called all my friends and took a peek at my garden. We have to keep track of what we eat this week and count calories, carbs, fat and protein. YIPPPEEE! I'd rather be tourchered! I know that I am slightly overweight do I have to be reminded? Maybe this will get me to eat better.MAYBE!


Fizzy said...

5 tests!!! That is a lot. Did you get straight A s in all of them? WOW good for you!

itisi said...

Wow!! I knew you were busy! Way to go straight A student!! My brother got his grades for the first term and he has a 4.0 average! I am so very proud of you busybusybusy!!