Saturday, July 8

Sugar and spice and everything...

Sugar and spice and everything nice, That's what little girls are mad of.
Today my six year old is having a lemonade stand. She has 20 oz. bottles along with regular cups. She is doing this by herseld (because she wants to keep all the money). She doesn't give change either so if you see her you might want to have exact change ready. She always does so well at this. She may one day own a bunch of stands! I know a good place for one today would be outside of the ALL Star Fest downtown. That is where my husband is today.
I had posted my philosophy book on and I actually sold it! I can't beleive it.
I also recieved my composting worms. I am so excited!! Sometimes I wounder if I am not anal about recycleing. Even the 20 oz. bottles for the lemonade are pop bottles rinsed out! But the less you spent the more you make right?

1 comment:

itisi said...

Keep recycling! I read on one of the recycling sites you sent me that recycling one aluminum can will run your TV for three hours. Cool! Your daughter is worker! I love lemonade stands, I always stop for some when I see kids selling it!