Wednesday, February 22

100th Post

This is my 100th post. Horray for me!!
I have come to relize that I have a junk collecting problem. I collect a bunch of non-related items and think of uses for them if I can find other items to go with them. Then I don't find anything that goes with it and it just sits here collecting dust. If it wasn't for my husband I would have a house full of useless things. Instead I just have useless things in a few places. I also feel the urge to buy extra dressers, clothing that no one will wear (yet), and books. Oh yeah, toys too ( indoor and out door). Maybe I think that if it looks like we have a lot then we really will have a lot. Maybe I am trying to make up for all that I didn't have. I don't know. I can see however, how this could become a problem. If I could I would have a lot of animals. There was a time when I had 5 cats. I got rid of all but 1 after a while. But it is a good thing my husband has put a limit on things like that or my house would over flow.

1 comment:

itisi said...

Congrats on your 100th post! I know what you mean about collecting things that never get used. Also about the animals. It is very easy to get too many, even though I love every one of them.