Sunday, February 19

No title

I am realy having trouble with this stupid computer lately. It has been too slow to do anything since my husband down loaded this new DVD program.
I am so very busy this coming week. My schdeule is full Tuesday. My husband is off work for a doctor's appointment and I am watching my best friend's kids for a bit. I also have to work and I wanted to go get my hair cut shorter. On Wend. I go and find out more about my nursing school! I am so excited about that. I had forgotten how expensive day care was. For a months worth of daycare for my 4 children it is over 2,000 American dollars.Atleast it is only for one month, then they ALL go to scholl! It is about time they all went. I have been looking forward to that day for a very long time.

1 comment:

itisi said...

It is both a happy and sad day when all your kids go to school. That is a lot of money for day care, but your children are worth it!! It is good for your peace of mind to know that they are all safe! Nursing school will be a new challenging adventure for you!! I wish you all the luck in the world!