Tuesday, January 10

A day in my shoes

I have had a stomach virus since Saturday night. I am now just getting better. I will have to go to work tonight. I may get more rest there then here. Just when I start to feel better the whole house thinks that everything is all better. Then they wear me out. My husband got a taste of what I have to go through everyday, yesterday. He had to run a bunch of errands and take care of stuff and then it came time to take my oldest to the tutor and start dinner. He started to complain ,I said now you know what I do everyday. I think more men should get a taste of what us women do everyday. Maybe then they would calm down about things.


Fizzy said...

Oh I really agree with you. I hope that you get well soon. look after yourself.

itisi said...

Guys seem to think that we have it easier than them for some reason. Not true! I know what you mean about not feeling well. I had a touch of something last week.