Monday, January 16


My husband and I are thinking that my oldest daughter has dyslexia. He was helping her with her spelling words one night and noticed that she can't sound them out. Now in kindergarten her teacher told me that she couldn't do phonics but I thought that it was because she hadn't attend pre-school and was behind. Now she is in 5th grade, she has been in a special reading group since 1st and has always had trouble in school. Her being dyslexic never crossed my mind. I went and looked it up on line and she is a text case dyslexic and it says that if you catch it by 3rd grade then she has the best chance at revesing it. So now I am mad at myself. It also says that it is passed down through the genes. Now I am really mad. ADHD, which my son has is also passed down through the genes. I never knew I had such a messed up set! I feel horrible that I have kids that have to deal with such hardships that I can do nothing about. Well, we will have to find a way to over come this too.

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