Monday, March 27

Long time, No blog

I finally have a few mins. to myself, so I thought I would blog. So much has been happening that I don't know if I can even keep up with it. I jsut go through my days getting done what I can and planning on when I can get the stuff that I wasn't able to get done, done. My X is being his useual jerkish self so my daughter is refuseing to go to his house until "he can care for me like he should." These are her words. She feels like she is invisable when she is over there. Also she is really mad because when she hurt her ankel he Never called her. Not even after she chewed him out for not calling her. I don't encourage her either way. The only thing I say is for her to do what makes her happy. I learned the hard way that your happiness depends on the choices you make, including the the choice of who you are with. I don't want her to learn these lessons too late.

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