Wednesday, March 8

I couldn't help myself

I was at work yesterday reading an article in our local news paper in a section I don't normally read. The article was called Sharing compassion and was about the author who sponsored a child overseas and got to meet this child. I was so very moved by the article that I went to the website to sponsor a child myself. I thought that this could be something that my oldest daughter and I could do together since the child I choose is her age. I think that this will help my daughter grow as a person as well as help this other child. For $24 a month we can do this. I chose a child in Ethiopia because I know more about the starving children there. Don't get me wrong I bring the homeless in my own city food when I can and help others plenty. This however, I can't explain. Usually I am all "help the people in your own country first..." But something drew me to do this. I can't even think what it maybe had me do this.
I filed papers yesterday to receive more child support for my own kids. It isn't that they don't have a lot. It is the fact that everytime I ask for money we fight. This way I no longer have to ask.

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