Saturday, April 1

The only therapy I can afford

This is the only therapy I can afford right now, thank goodness it is free.
My X called the police this morning because my daughter didn't want to go to his house. All he would have had to do is apologize to her for being such an incosiderate, selfish person. Then she would have forgiven him and went. No instead he had to try to be a bully. Well, it did not work. She told the officer that she didn't want to go because he treated her poorly. He asked if her mom or step-dad was stopping her from going , she said no and that was the end of it. At least for today. I am sure that I haven't heard the last of him on this matter. There is so much going on in my life, his shit was the last that I needed to deal with.


Fizzy said...

Blogging is a brilliant form of free therapy. I use it allllllll of the time. I am sorry that this happened this morning. However good for oyur daughter for standing up to the bullying. I hope that it has made him think some.
Look after yourself

itisi said...

It is good that your daughter knows how to stand up for herself! It is good that she doesn't let him walk all over her. Maybe next time he won't be such a jerk, but I doubt it!