Sunday, November 19

A Much Needed Break

Finally some down time. I usally freak out on Sundays,but I know that a long (sort of long ) break is just around the corner. First though let me tell you about my date.
Last night my husband and I celebrated our 6th wedding anni. ( even though it was weeks ago). We had some extra money so we went to an expensive place. I'm talking high class were the potatoes and veggies didn't come with the meal. They were an extra price,each! We arrived down town and the out door skating rink was set up and there was people ice skating and Christmas music playing. There was a tree in the middle all lit up. We just stopped and stared for a while. It seemed like something right out of a movie. Then we went in and had a mouth watering meal. After we went back out side and watched the skaters some more. There was nothing that could top off the romantic and peaceful atmaspher so we went home. The kids ofcoarse were already in bed so it was still peaceful.
This coming week at school we only have three days of clinical and then 5 days off. OH, how I need the break!!


itisi said...

Enjoy your break!! Make sure to take time for yourself and relax.

Fizzy said...

Enjoy your break. Make sure that you do have a rest and do not spend the time "catching up"! I will be watching you

busybusybusy said...

And I thought only Santa was watching!!