Monday, November 13

Some Excitement at Last!

Finally, I got to see a surgery! Nothing too bloody or gory. It started out that they were going to put one stent in a guys leg. Once they got in there, it was clear that he was going to need more than that. A stent is a mesh type device that is put into an artery to keep it open so blood can flow to where it is suppose to. I watched on a monitor because there wasn't anything to see where the surgen was. He only put a pencile size hole in the guy and everything else everyone saw on screen. It was nice to be able to see this. The man having the stent put in was awake the whole time. Boring, put me to sleep I need the extra zzzz's! I'm not even sure if the man could see the screen. Well, the monkeys are home. Time to man the zoo.


Fizzy said...

That is GORY ENOUGH thank you very much!
Now want ot come and man my zoo? Perleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase

itisi said...

Surgery, not mine thing. Glad you were ok with it though. The zoo! Sometimes I miss the zoo, but then it all comes back to me like a nightmare!! LOL