Wednesday, June 21

No title

We are going to have to buy a new computer. The one we have now is freezing every five mins. We have ran this and that program to try to fix it and nothing has worked. So we are going to buy a new one. I actually like that idea.
tomorrow morning is court. This is just another waste of our time I,m sure because again nothing can be solved without us both agreeing on it. GOOD LUCK with that! We have tried over and over to agree but ot really is impossible. Shoot if we could agree then we wouldn't be going through the court system.
I think that my husband and I are going to buy the paint for the bedroom this week. I'm really looking forward to painting. I am so sick of white. We are going to paint it a marine color. Well, I must be off. Have a good day!

1 comment:

itisi said...

Ohh, a new computer! That is exciting! And new paint is fun, too! Court is monotonus and aggravating. I call it the Aggravation Station! No one from the other party or the court system is happy until you have been there 20 times at a great inconvenience!! But, then, victory is sweet, oh so sweet!! May victory be yours!