Monday, May 22


I am in a whirl wind and cannot stop it. Everything always happens at once. Why can't life just go a few months without 100 major problems going on? Last night I was ready to not go to school to just go to work and deal with this court mess. Then I thought that this maybe may only chance with out having to pay thousands in daycare. Then I would have ruined God's reason for my husband having to take so much time off of work. What could possibly be the reason for the rest of this stress? I can't take much more. My sanity is running low...HELP!!


Polar Bear said...

Take a deep breath....count to 50....

I'm sending hugs your way..
Polar Bear

busybusybusy said...

Thank you polar bear. I need all the hugs I can get right now.

itisi said...

I don't have a lot of sanity left, but am willing to share with you what I got! Sending some your way! Hope everything works out for you!