Tuesday, September 27

Another Random Day

There is nothing new on the school front. My appeal was sent yessterday so now I have to play the wait game. I do however, think I got atleast a 95% if not a 100% on my Spanish Quiz. I am not sure if I spelled caturo ( 14 ) right. I did learn yesterday why the Mexicans will risk their lives to get into our country. In Mexico they only make 25 cents a day picking grapes. No wonder they are willing to come here and be paid whatever is offered. It is still more than what is made in their country. I don't really think that the Mexicans being in the states illegally is really hurting anything. I sure don't want to go pick grapes or landscape for pennies on the dollar. Infact I won't do it for $8.00 an hour. I don't know anyone who does either. Yes, if they want to be here they should learn to speak ingales ( English). Oh, well just a bunch of bull for today. One last question WHEN DO PUPPIES LEARN THEY HAVE TO POOP OUTSIDE!!


itisi said...

Since you have had trouble getting your puppy to poop outside, I was afraid my puppy wouldn't want to either. So every time we are going out to go potty I put her on the leash and when she poops I give her a small treat. I have only had Foxy for a week, though, so the results aren't in.
Were you talking about Mexicans being here legally or illegally?

itisi said...

Oh! Way to go on your Spanish Quiz!! Keep up the good work!!1

Fizzy said...

Well done on your spanish quiz. Sorry to here about your appeal. What a frustrating worry that must be for you

busybusybusy said...
