Monday, December 31

An afternoon to remember

I was brave the other afternoon, I took six kids ice skating, by myself.
Only two of the kids, my son and his friend, and myself had ever been ice skating. The three of us had each been one time! The boys did great! You would think that they had been much more than just once and they helped the girls, in a patient, kind manner. It was amazing, everything was in harmony. There was no fighting and everyone had a great time.
I didn't fall and I was able to help the littlest ones when they wanted it. Mostly though they were brave and wanted to do it on their own! By the end they hardly needed any help at all.
My youngest had been asking me for weeks to take her ice skating, I don't know where she came up with that idea, so I thought what the hay. My son and oldest daughter each brought a friend and we had the best afternoon ever.

Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

itisi said...

Happy New Year Busy!
Sounds like everyone had a great time! But you didn't mention how you did on ice skating! Are you going again? I have never been ice skating myself. Roller skating, yes.