Wednesday, December 19

Gingerbreadmen, dogs and more...

I have never made my own gingerbread men from scratch before. I thought it would be fun if we did it this year. HA! Next time I think doing something from scratch is going to be fun talk me out of it. First I couldn't find all the stuff I needed, thank god my husband is more resourceful than I. Then I lost the receipe that I wanted to use. So I had to find a new one. There are so many DIFFERENT ones out there, I just picked one and ran with it. Now the Gingerbread is so dry that it is crumpling apart while I am trying to wrap it to put it in the fridge. Days later ( didn't have time to finish that night) still really dry. Add some water, a little sticky, add flour to the rolling pin, roll out and looks good ! Now we need to see how it tastes.
My dog has always been smart,however every thing I have ever heard about dogs is that they can not reason. My husband built a door so that the dog wouln't go in the basement to poop. He made it "doggie' proof so that the door had to pulled open instead of pushed. So my dog opened it with his teeth. He bit the top of this little door and used his paw to hold it open and then went down stairs to take a LARGE poop. HE is way to smart!!

1 comment:

itisi said...

Geez! I'm way behind here reading your posts! It is a crazy time of year! Well, everyday of the year is crazy here, so let's just say it is crazier! Oh wait! I might as well be totally honest and just say INSANE! I am insane!
Okay, now I feel better!
Of course your dog is so smart! He has hung out with intelligence since the day he was born! Oh, and he had a brain transplant as a puppy! They substituted a human brain as they were out of dog brains that day.
Ask your brother if you don't believe me! LMAO