Sunday, December 9

No real title

I'm glad my life is less hectic than my friends life is. She could truely have her own soap opera and have plenty of material. I'm telling you she could be rich, just by being her.
I'm really happy with the way my life turned out. My life used to be just as dramatic, everyday was a struggle to survive. When you are just living to survive then that is what you base all of your desicions on. Those desecions usally aren't the best, but it is all you can do at the time. I really feel for those trying to find their way. I guess that is why I helped create SuperMom. I know first hand that when you are sick/ on bed rest and have little kids with no one to help life really gets you down. I just want to give people resources to help them, help themselves. Getting well quickly will help epople do this faster and give them confidence that life doesn't suck so bad. Still working out the smaller details but in a few months we should be up and running!
I'm just concentrating hard on my next nursing job, I really have the jitters over this. TTFN.


1 comment:

itisi said...

I hope your day went well at work!
I was thinking of you!