Friday, December 7


When I graduated Nursing School I was terrified to work in a Nursing Home or a Hospital. There are so many people that you have to pass meds. too, you have to be on top of your game at all times. I am not always at top game and I am scared of loosing my license, that I just got.
Now I am taking the leap. I am going to work for agency so I will work in many different Nursing Homes ( it pays better and you get to pick your own hours). I know I am going to have to take it slow but , god, please don't let state come in until I get my bearings. PLEASE!!! I might just pass out if they do, out of shear terror! Wish me the best.

1 comment:

itisi said...

Wishing you the best!
Take it slow, stay calm, think it through. I know you can do this!
You didn't work that hard to get your license to not be able to use it!
Remember this: I beleive in you!