Wednesday, January 2

Bud The Brave

My son "Bud" is now a member of the Polar Bear Club!! Yes, on New Years Day he, his friend and his friends family went and jumped in the river!! The water temp. was 38 degrees F and the air temp. was 32 degrees F. He asked me if it was ok if he did this with his friend and family. I said that if he was brave enough then he had my blessing. He was brave enough and they made the noon news. Can't say that it would be something I would consider but hey my son is a brave one!
I'm real proud of his bravery!

1 comment:

itisi said...

I am sure this is just the beginning of his wild and crazy things he will do! LOL
He knows how to have fun, that's for sure! No setting around in the winter for him!
Gotta love that brave boy!