Sunday, November 13

To be or not to be

I often feel guilty about well...everything. When I went to a theraoist some years ago she said that was pretty normal. I was kind of upset with the answer because that didn't help me not feel guilty. I feel like I should do more fun things with my children, that is until I seen my oldest daughter's report card. Now i know I need to spend more time studying with her. Then there is my schooling, the more I see and here about nurseing jobs the more I long to be one. I know that the time just isn't right yet though. I just want to know how to stop having guilt pains. When people I love fail I feel like I have failed them. Whta should have I done differently. Ofcoarse i do have a friend that is a realist and she reminds me that it wasn't I who failed. That helps until my child's next poor grade. Well, maybe I should hire someone to come in and help her. Maybe someone who is in high school. I am going to look into that. Is this what it is to be a parent? Everytime your child succeeds or fails you feel it too. Or maybe that is just loving someone with all you have. The older I get the more I understand my father. He wasn't one to express his feelings well. But I now think that when we failed he felt the blow too and that is why he reacted the way he did. That would explain a small portion of him, anyhow. I guess you don't really know these things until you are a parent yourself.

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