Thursday, November 24

Happy Thanksgiving

The family is gathered,the turkey is in the oven. The wind outside is wicked and the large snow flakes are coming down. My husband is at the stove and my bread is baked. The kids are upstairs playing with their cousin. It is a grand day to celebrate Thanksgiving. I an always thankful for my dear, faithful husband. I am thankful for my wild and sweet children, my crazy dog, my loving cats, my dear father-in-law ( even if he does date our sitters). I am thankful that I have the ability to help others and that my family is all well. My friends are dear and doing well also. I am thankful that I am healthy and there are just so many others things that it would take all day to write. I hope that when you resd this you have a family to enjoy and friends to comfort and that comfort you. I hope that even if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving you reflect on the things that y0u are thankful for.

1 comment:

itisi said...

I know I am thankful for being able to see almost all my grandchildren today (except for the cute one with the freckles and red hair, and the rockin'baby munchkin)and that I got to eat a most excellent thanksgiving dinner that I didn't even have to cook!! And thankful that I could have all my children except one with me. But ya know when I got back from Thanksgiving dinner, OS had the driveway shovelled and the house clean! I will fix turkey for us this weekend so OS can have some!