Wednesday, November 2


I am still sick but I am mad so I had to write.
I got a call this morning from my psyco X- sitters "friend". She wanted to know why I haven't called my x-sitter. I told her not to call me and hung up. Then she calls me right back and leaves a message. I know u are there bitch so pick up the phone before I come down and kick your ass.
Maybe it is just me but if you want someone to talk to you would you act like that? Now my x-sitter is in her 30's and I am in my late 20's, is this what grown women do? Threated to kick the pthers ass for not talking to them? I'm not afraid, however. In fact there is little that I am afraid of but couldn't we be adults about this? I am getting my number to my cell changed and if have to my home phone too. I saved the messages in case we have to go to court. Why did they have to pick a day when I have a bad cold and can barley speak?

1 comment:

itisi said...

I really hope you can resolve this soon! The x-sitter and her friend have a lot of growing up to do! It sounds like junior high school girls the way they act!