Tuesday, November 8

Everyone's home

Everyone has the day off today so I get to sit back and take a break. Both oldest daughter and Youngest daughter have lice. (booo whooo, booo whooo). we have all the sprays, shampoos and gels. We are going to turn this house inside out today. Stuffed animals are going into plastic bags for 2 weeks and Everything else shall be sprayed, washed, or vacuumed. Just thinking about it makes me tired. But this will not invade my house again!!! If I have to not let the kids go to their friends houses, then that is what will have to be done. No, more I tell you. I hate bugs!! ( Well, not lady bugs, we have those in our house too.)

1 comment:

itisi said...

Good luck in getting rid of the buggies! What a pain in the butt they can be. Good idea to put the stuffed animals in plastic bags, never thought of that!