Friday, November 4

5 years today

This is the color of happiness for me. I love this color so very much. Anyway enough on the color. 5 years ago today I married my best friend. I am just as much in love with him today as I was that warm fall day 5 years ago. Infact my wedding day looks just like it does outside now. The sun was shinning the leaves were red and gold and orange. The sky was blue. Atleast I think it was blue. If not it was for me. I am feeling much better today and can't wait to go out tomarrow night! We cannot go out tonight because all the good stuff happens on Saturdays. That is fine though we will have fun. I really love my husband and the life we share together.


itisi said...

Happy Anniversary! Have a good time tomorrow night!

Brandi1977 said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful day!