Friday, January 19

Who ordered this weather?

For the first time this winter it is snowing hard, big flakes! IT is pretty but I was being spoiled with nice warm weather! I know it needs to snow in the winter so there is enough water but, ...
I think that the Farmer's Almanac is interesting and from what I hear, does a pretty good job at predicting the weather. I have never read it, but my uncle who was a farmer use to.
For as tired as I have been this week, I have been doing really well inschool! My grades have really come up!! Maybe it is because I have relaxed and said to my self that a C was OK. I psych myself out sometimes. Well, half of the kids are sick so I will be staying in tonight hopeing I don't get sick. Have a good weekend.


itisi said...

I have been thinking about the weather, too. As I stood outside on my break tonight, watching the beautiful snow come down like there was no tomorrow, this is what I came up with:

Ol'man winter spent too much time messing around in bed with Mother Nature. Now he is trying to make up for lost time!! LOL

busybusybusy said...

LOL. Now there is something I never thought of. I guess less babies will be born this summer!!