Monday, January 22

No title

My husband bought a 2005 Mustange over the weekend. I gave him the go ahead because he deserves something to show his hard work. Except now, I feel this yerning for a house. I have felt it for a long time but it is getting stronger and stronger and I just may burst!! No, not burst but just get something that I sort of like just to say hey I have one!! I know I have to wait til I graduate before I get a house so we will have a nice combine income but I DON'T WANT TO WAIT! Sounds childish I know. I'm almost 30 wasn't I suppose to have a house by now? Ok I really should be concentrateing on school and stay focused so I can get my license, to get a job, to buy a house. I guess that just gives me more gumption to pass, huh. I'll still be over 30 by the time I get one though. A nice big yard, plenty of room, yep that is what I want. Brick or stone would be nice. I must go my oldest has homework and then dance class.


itisi said...

There is no doubt in my mind that you will get your house. I know this deep down. Just remember, don't worry, you are moving in a very positive forward direction. It will come. Trust me.

itisi said...

Oh and just think, if you keep the Mustang for four more years, your kids will be driving it!! LOL