Tuesday, January 16

Freud and friends

Lets talk about an intersting subject....Freud. Some in my class call him a pervert because all his childhood therioes relate back to sex. Prevert?, Not sure about that. However, he does seem to have this preoccupation with sex and if you know more about his teachings he has a big mother issue also. Back to his chidhood stages he has a stage called Anality which is where kids have a preoccupation with holding on to things ( mainly their poop). This is where we get the people are anal thing from. So what about the other guys who have stages of children theories, none of theirs relates to sex. Erikson has trust vs. Mistrust, which I think that man is straight on with that one. If you don't pick up a crying infant then they develope mistrust. As we get into the school age years I think that is where all of them have some sort of idea but none have nailed it on the head. Or it could be that times have changed so much. For instance my 7 year old is much more interested in clothing and talking on the phone. This is suppose to be saved of the later years. So for you who have children what do you think? Do you have any theories of your own?

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