Friday, January 5

Depression, Frustration, ect.

Would it be uncouragous ( is that a word?) if I were to quit nursing school now? I feel as though I am falling flat on my face. I studied very hard for the past two tests and got a C. How did that happen. Well, of coarse the one was the tricky teachers test. Sorry teachers, but, there are some out there that just shouldn't be one ( as with any career ). The retake for last semesters finale is next week and frankly I am scared. I really would like to quit right now. Then again, I would kick my self if I did. How much can one person take though?
" Can you help me I'm bent? I'm so scared that I'll never get put back together."
What am I doing wrong? I really try to be positive. Wish the school was a little more positive. Well, I guess I'll keep trying.


itisi said...

hang in there, busy. there is nothing wrong with a C. And keep reminding yourself that every day you go to school, is one day closer to graduation!!

Love ya!

Fizzy said...

I agree with itisi keep going you have got this far. Plus at this time of the year with Christmas etc it is a very very hard time to study. Do not be too hard on yourself, accept what you have got and keep going forward. As for that Teacher when she is not looking , STICK YOUR TONGUE OUT AT HER!!!