Sunday, March 9

A Must Read

I Have read thousands of books and there are few that really move me. I mean not just do I crawl into the book or can't put it down. But, I in a way, become that character. My Enemy's Cradle is one of those rare books. It is by Sara Young and it feels so real that you feel like you are in Holland in the 1940's. A young blond girl who is half Jewish and half Dutch. You want to yell at her for being naive, but then you remember that it is 2008 and the only reason you know the truth is because the war has long since been over. You feel the hunger that everyone felt, when there wasn't enough food to go around. You feel your heart pound everytime hers does.
I feel a releif knowing that my grandparents lived in the United States during this time and although there were hardships here, they were nothing comapred to Europe. Sure we rationed here, still it was nothing like the fear and hunger felt by thousands of people across the ocean. You just have to read the book...


itisi said...

Sounds really interesting!
Can I borrow it?
I never go to the library anymore.
Half the time I can't set still long enough to concentrate, say nothing about actually read something.

busybusybusy said...

I'll bring it this weekend