Monday, July 23

The Job

I am not so sure that I really like my job. It is a lot of paper work and doing blood pressures. Although I am improving the lives of some by getting them services that are needed, my job isn't that exciting. Sure the hours are perfect but I don't know, there isn't any luster. I think maybe a year of this and I may want to do more with people who are homebound with wounds. That would be cool. I'd get to see really neat things there. I don't see the point in being a Rn if they have more paper work than what I do now! I only do half of what is required by the state and county billing does the rest. Oh, well, it is a good start at any rate.

1 comment:

itisi said...

My older brother loved his job, EXCEPT for all the paperwork it involved.
And I know what you mean about more excitement in your job. Unless a cute guy eyeballs me my job is pretty boring too.