Monday, September 3

The what if game

Today I am playing the what if game with myself, I know it is a bad game. Sometimes I wish I could peak into the future so I know the consequences of my actions before I do them. I am afraid of what I have done will come back and haunt me in the form of my teenage daughter.
What if I made all the wrong decisions and they don't show up until it is too late. What if she makes all the same misatakes I did. All I can do is hope that I raised her well and the mistakes I made won't be hers too.


Fizzy said...

The What if game is a dangerous game to play. I do it and then hate myself for it.
I am sorry that I have not bee naround for a while

itisi said...

It is a game every parent plays at one time or another. So what if she takes the hard way around, the longest route? I know you don't want her to endure the many hardships and heartaches that you did. Remember that she was raised differently than you were. More of a solid foundation with what I believe is uncondiitonal love from both her parents. You know what I mean by that. The ones she lives with.

Whatever route she takes, just let her know that you will always be there for her.

We are always telling our children to do the best they can. That is all we ask. The same goes for parents. Do the best to your ability. That is all we can do.

Fizzy said...

I hoope everything is ok with you