Wednesday, August 29

not ready

I don't think I am ever going to ready to take this state nursing exam. I still don't feel that I know enough. I don't use MOST of it working so I am not in constant practice and the simple things that I should be remembering I forget and remember when it is too late. I feel like such a bad nurse. Somedays I wonder why I wanted this career, then I remember and feel bad because I have no true direction. True, I am helping people remain independant but, they don't want to help themselves. Here's a quick tip: If you want to stay in your home except the help that is coming in. Otherwise, there may be no other chpice then to be put into a home. On the other hand if you are the help respect the wishes of those you are helping as long as they remain safe and clean. If they don't want to give you something of theirs don't say " why do you need it?" Frankly it doesn't matter.
well, that is the bitch of the day. I just don't feel that I am doing anyone much good right now.

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