Sunday, February 11

Fast forward and slow Motion

Is it possible to have gone or begoing fast forward and be in slow motion all at the same time. Let's take slow motion first. Between this deep freeze and school I feel stuck. I feel that one day is the same as the next except that I get up at different times. I have 3 months of school left, it feels like forever....
Let's go to the fast forward part. Wasn't it just yesterday my oldest was in kidergarden and got introuble on the bus for kissing a boy. Now she is almost 12 and she went on her first real date with a boy ( her boyfriend). They went to the movies. My husband and I had this big debate whether or not one of us should go to the movies with them. I said yes and he said no ( if you can beleive that). Weel, turns out the boys mother was going to go with them and she sat right next to them. Atleast I was going to sit a few rows back. This made my husband laugh but it set my mind at ease. So there it is Fast Forwar and Slow Motion at the same time.

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