Wednesday, April 23

Wheels out, Legs in

The price of gas is getting out of control! It is about $3.55 here. Pretty soon I am going to have to do grocery shopping on the way home from work and then park it. We may have to cancel some things that we had planned to do in May and June and save the gas for work only! Maybe we should buy a horse, I think it would be cheaper. The Amish are probley laughing at us because they will be going more palces than us "English". Maybe I'll buy a horse and buggy off them and build a stable where my garden is and then instead of mowing the lawn the horse can eat my grass. That just may work! LOL! The good thing is that the more I walk and ride my bike the thinner I will be. Did you know that for every hour of exercise you will gain 2 hours of life. Talk about a good return on your investment!! Happy Spring!


Shammickite said...

Good idea... get a horse! I got the bicycle out of hibernation in the garage last week and have been doing most of my travelling around town on two wheels instead of four. But when it comes to carrying heavy groceries home,I have to drive!
BTW it's our annual Variety Show weekend, I've just posted pics of the Dress Rehearsal. I'll save you a couple of seats?

itisi said...

Heck, I thought I was doing good just standing up. You burn 50 extra calories an hour standing. I can walk to the "ice cream store." Then burn off the calories on the way home and save gas to boot! I hear that gas will $4 a gallon come May. I may have to bicycle to work.

Walker said...

Here it's about $1.20 -$1.30 a litre or 5 bucks a gallon.
If the gas prices keep rising the Pope Mobile will have to run on a prayer