Wednesday, November 1

Time is slipping away

So Halloween was yesterday and it rained almost the whole time. I am surpised no one has a sore throat ( like me ). I don't want to get into the details right now because I have been getting up @ 4:30 am to get to clinical. All of my friends and I are so tired that we can't comprehend much and we hear funny words. Such as my friend thought a lady said she was taking heart worm medicine. She's not but it does make for a good laugh. My daughter has gotten her first babysitting job. Where did the time go? It feels like I am in the movie CLICK. I have pushed fast forward on the remote and skipped many years and now she is old enough to babysit. I can remember saying that when she got old enough she could watch her brother and sisters when they went to bed and my husband and I would sneek out for a date. That seems like it was just yesterday I was saying that. Next thing you know she will graduate High school. I need to go study Pharmocology. The week is almost over already and I have two tests in the next two days. Have a good day and enjoy the children while they still want you around.


itisi said...

No doubt about the fast forward thing. Time slips by quickly. I hope y ou do well on y our tests!

Fizzy said...

oh I understand the fast forward thing. I shed a few tears last week as my daughter was arguing with me over having more independance. It is all going far to fast for me!